Original Post
[Dsc] Demonic

under contruction
{3 runes of victory for whoever makes}


[ ] 50k in bank
[ ] 5 allies
[ ] 10 members
[ ] Official

Diplomatic status
Format: [allies/enemies]Name[clan/single]

Format: [Jobs]Name-Demonic status- Runes
[Ldr][Banker]Lostworld-Demon- Infinite

Demonic status
To obtain demon status you must collect 30 runs the challenge a existing demon to a duel at their best mod, if you win 3/5 of the matches you get Demonic status.
With demonic status you get, private forum on clan forums, extra voting power, op in clan servers.
If your not demon your status is normal.

Runes increase you Demonic power levels and make it eazier for you to get certain jobs or abilities in the clan.
Current runes are:
Rune of Blood:Every 500 games played you get 2 of these.
Rune of Bling: Every donation to the bank over 1k gets you 2 of these.
Rune of skill: For each art or vif you make you get 1-4 of these.
Ring of Victory: Every event won gives you 2-5 of these.
Rune of Gathering: For each event you host while representing the clan you get 2-5 of these.

Clan Bank & Donations
Clan bank is Demonic bank

Want to join
Only ldrs and demons can recruit, no belt limitations, but must post app and be skilled in the game.

Time playing toribash:
How long you wish to stay:
Why you want to join:
Please add 2 sp replays and 2 mp replays

Contact us
Last edited by DemonicBank; Aug 1, 2010 at 03:27 AM.
Hello. The clan itself is looking good so far. I am here responding to the allied invite you posted in my [DSC]. Unfortunately we would not like to ally yet, I do not have any type of friendship with the leader or any members and you do not prove a useful ally yet. I would like to see a few improvements in all of these areas. We will consider your request if we see improvement.
~Clan Solid Gold
"Chaos in the world brings uneasiness, but it also allows the opportunity for creativity and growth."~Tom Barrett
From the clan wet, I am requesting we ally, but is not confirmed yet. I'll speak with it with the other leaders. Until then, Please single ally me.

I can also make your forums and IRC, if you want.
|Grim Reapers|The Aikido Team|PSN/Steam:ItsRainingDesert|
I refurbishing one of my old forums into the new one, hopefully it works, adding after i done with dinner.
But, ill gladly let you make our irc (it confuses me a little)
Fan club
on.toribash advertising space here, pm me lol(75tc per week i haggle)
Originally Posted by LostWorld View Post
I refurbishing one of my old forums into the new one, hopefully it works, adding after i done with dinner.
But, ill gladly let you make our irc (it confuses me a little)

Ok click this link to come to the irc channel so we can talk.
|Grim Reapers|The Aikido Team|PSN/Steam:ItsRainingDesert|
Originally Posted by Devil1 View Post

No, i frankly dont like you very much, sorry.
Fan club
on.toribash advertising space here, pm me lol(75tc per week i haggle)