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Damages & Points trigger/localisation
It would be very nice to be able to set and change what part of the body can score and/or recieve points.

For instance, being a wushu player, it happens pretty often that someone lands a clean chest or groin hit for 20k points, and then his opponent barrely touch his leg for 25k points. That doesn't make much sense.

What would be nice is being able to decide that, lets say, touching the tighs will score only 5-10% of the normal scoring system, same for the arms etc... and in the opposite we could make it 150% for the head and 200% for the groin/neck or something. This would involve way more precision and skill than just slamming your feet/hands in front of you, hopping to catch something.

That would as well make it possible to chose what part of your body can block, making forearms and legs 0% of damage would allow us to perfectly block with it, instead of just feet and hands !
Last edited by deprav; Jul 21, 2013 at 03:42 AM.
I think customizing the damage system would be a nice option. It may even allow for more creative mod making because of the added ability to map out a different damage layout for different environments.
Yes !

And I see some challenges emerging from it, like only a precise part of the body receiving points and such.
I get this a lot. My friend kicked my hand once and literally got 200k points.
I support this because there's a lot of annoying ways you lose to a small tap on the leg etc.
A similar principle is being used in a TW event. Interesting suggestion, would like to see more details.
But why's the rum gone? :v
damage threashold for joints will be way better

basicly: you can set it for each bodypart and it will "filter" the damage. and the reward for breaking this threashold should be customiseable too.

if your collision do less than 2k damage on instant you recieve no score.
if you do - you recieve 1 point ( or as much as you set )

you can make threashold incredibly big, to prevent recieving score from specific bodyparts, like legs and arms

optional: you can add multiple ( up to 3 ) damage thresholds per bodypart, so stronger hits will give you more points

this way we will be able to customise mods as far as we want and exclude randomness

+ it's realistic scoring system that used in boxing, taekwondo and all other martial arts sports

adding such modding ability will open a whole new dimention of competative mods, boxing, tk, and so on
Last edited by snake; Jul 21, 2013 at 11:59 AM.
I like where this is going. Keep working on it, can't shove it in people's faces quite yet.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Been suggested before. I've asked hampa about it when they had that stream and we were allowed to ask questions.I remember he said that it was actually possible, but doesn't seem like it is high on his list yet. Supported anyway, it would allow for a high variety of mods.
Your messed up world enthrills me