Ebon Tower
Atticus raises a hand, bringing silence to the table.
"We can not attack those who have been with us for ages. It is unethical and unwise. Lord Bryce speaks the truth. We will focus, right now, on bringing our allies together. Bryce, I understand that you, and the Caryotte family in general, has a history of diplomatic success. I would task you focus your efforts on bringing the not yet allied houses to our side. If you need anything, you have but to ask."
He turns to Godwin Prima.
"Lord Godwin, I understand that you requested one of your military tacticians to head the ground forces. I grant your family this honor. I ask that you remain on the defensive until we know what move to make."
He faces the rest of the table.
"The rest of you will continue your affairs, and assist the Prima and Caryotte families on their tasks. Are there any other matters that one would wish to bring to the table?"
He scans the table.
"Very well. This meeting is adjourned. I implore that you stay for the food and entertainment I have arranged for the after party. I request nothing but the best services, for the best men of our nation."
He stands, and gives a short bow, before walking into a chamber, followed by his personal servant. Palace servers bustle once more in and out of the hall, asking of food and entertainment preferences.
Last edited by Thorn; Mar 6, 2012 at 10:12 AM.