Original Post
Origin: Ideas
Hey all,
I've made this thread so that we can discuss some things, mainly to do with the future of Origin, because some decisions do need to be made.
Grohen did make a fair point in the recruitment thread, like it or not. And if we don't start making some changes, he may turn out to be right.

Here is the problem; We aren't as strong a clan as we could be, the hierarchy in the clan is messed up (Both the positions, and some of the people who occupy them), we don't have a solid member base and we often don't do things as a clan.

Wars aren't meant to be a 1v5 scenario, but they have been a lot recently. There are a few who have done a lot in that regard, keeping Origin high in the ranks, don't get me wrong. We still need to change how we are dealing with warring, etc.
Now before anyone else points it out, I know I'm not one to talk about activity, I dropped out a bit recently due to university demands, and I still struggle to get in-game a lot, but I should be back now for good... let's hope anyway.

Recruiting it isn't necessarily about recruiting high level members, it is about recruiting dedicated members, who will stay with the clan, and become experience and skilled members in time. I would prefer one green belt, who will stick with the clan, over 3 custom belts, who may just leave in a month. We should also only be recruiting players who put effort into their application. Take the 5 minute rule: If you believe you could think up and type their application in less than 5 minutes, then they shouldn't be accepted.
To make sure we only recruit those that deserve it, we should have a council that decides whether people get in or not, members are free to voice their opinion, but the decision always comes down to the council.
Also, we should have trial member section/position, where for two weeks new recruits must prove both their continued forum activity and in-game activity. Every new member should go through this, trusted or not. (This would just weed out those who aren't committed)

Clan Structure:
It has been discussed a bit recently, how many of the positions in our clan are pointless, and/or filled by people who are in-active or not suitable. I think a new structure is needed, one that is much more clear and meaningful. (Don't get me wrong, leaders stay as leaders and those who actively participate, stay in their positions)
Not only do we need new leadership roles, but we need a much better hierarchy that rewards people for being in the clan, and more importantly, for helping/benefiting the clan.
Here is what I think it should look like:


I think this structure, not only makes it much more clear, outlining who has what jobs, but also provides something for members to work towards.
The leaders would decide who goes where to begin with (especially in the council) if this goes through, but people who already have roles (and have properly fulfilled them) will obviously start higher up.

I think our forums need an overhaul as well, half of the threads were created by people not in the clan anymore, and the other half still refer to the clan as Legendary.
This goes especially for the recruitment thread, it isn't clear enough, doesn't really outline the rules and is half the reason we get a lot of effortless applications. (It also still has the Legendary banner)
We also need an activity thread, requiring people to post in there once every fortnight, to keep the clan forum active as well.
To do with events and wars, there should be a separate forum dedicated to these kind of things, just to make it more organised.
(I'm happy to write up any threads needed, and I've got ideas for a new recruitment thread.)

This is just my opinion, take it as such, please don't take any of this the wrong way. If you are replying to this, with the intention of helping the clan, then chances are you are not part of the problem.
I'm just pointing out some things that we should tend to, if we want the clan heading in the right direction again.

Also let me know if I've missed anything blindingly obvious (I kinda rushed through it), or if you have some new ideas.

tl;dr: New clan positions, activity checks, fresh forums, better recruitment

EDIT: That ended up a lot longer than I thought it would ._.
Last edited by Blue; Jul 31, 2014 at 04:11 PM.
Only pointing out things I don't agree with:

• This clan is having more applicants now than in January, so I just can't see it becoming inactive.
• About wars: I hope everybody knows we aren't forced to accept them. Therefore, those 1v5 scenarios can be avoided easily.
• Recruitment: How can you tell who's going to stay in the clan for more than a month? And the council might not be able to check applications 24/7 so giving few people the power to decide if somebody joins or not isn't that good.
• You can't make a whole forum for wars, only a thread.
Originally Posted by Fluttershy View Post
Only pointing out things I don't agree with:

• This clan is having more applicants now than in January, so I just can't see it becoming inactive.
• About wars: I hope everybody knows we aren't forced to accept them. Therefore, those 1v5 scenarios can be avoided easily.
• Recruitment: How can you tell who's going to stay in the clan for more than a month? And the council might not be able to check applications 24/7 so giving few people the power to decide if somebody joins or not isn't that good.
• You can't make a whole forum for wars, only a thread.

Thanks for replying

I was more thinking more about the quality of applicants, don't get me wrong, we've definitely got some good ones recently.

True, but I still think it would be better if we could still accept them, with the knowledge that there would be people that could back said person up.

Well, the quality of their application, how they came across us and what kind of past they have. You're right, we can't really tell, but between those things and the trial period we should have a fair idea.
That is also a fair point about the council, but if people can't wait 12 hours for someone to get on and check, then they don't really have enough patience or they are not interested enough in Origin. Either way, they shouldn't get in.
I also think that a wait is a fair trade-off for better decisions.

Yeah that was my mistake, I meant to say thread.
Originally Posted by Blue View Post
Thanks for replying

I was more thinking more about the quality of applicants, don't get me wrong, we've definitely got some good ones recently.

True, but I still think it would be better if we could still accept them, with the knowledge that there would be people that could back said person up.

Well, the quality of their application, how they came across us and what kind of past they have. You're right, we can't really tell, but between those things and the trial period we should have a fair idea.
That is also a fair point about the council, but if people can't wait 12 hours for someone to get on and check, then they don't really have enough patience or they are not interested enough in Origin. Either way, they shouldn't get in.
I also think that a wait is a fair trade-off for better decisions.

Yeah that was my mistake, I meant to say thread.

well this looks good thanks blue nice to see we have some order around here i like your idea and im all for it. i do aggree with flut on some things. the council wont be able to do EVERYTHING but it will get most of everything. i want to know how this applying thing will work and who exactly is allowed to apply cant have newbies thinking its time for an upgrade just because its an appliable thing
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
Originally Posted by MasterFate View Post
well this looks good thanks blue nice to see we have some order around here i like your idea and im all for it. i do aggree with flut on some things. the council wont be able to do EVERYTHING but it will get most of everything. i want to know how this applying thing will work and who exactly is allowed to apply cant have newbies thinking its time for an upgrade just because its an appliable thing

I think it should go you can only go for the rank that is one higher then you and you have to stay in that rank for x amount of time before you can apply for a promotion but only for the first few ranks after a while I think the higher ups should decide if he/she can apply for the promotion
It's a good idea.
Well I can make a server training all our members on clan wars and get ready for it as i previous leaded clan wars and won them easily so, I cant handle one and if we are going with a real clan war i , lucie and any pro people who can help out but i can train our members, on clan wars so, I ask why is our co-leaders inactive for a while :/ ?
Activity is just a problem in this clan it is so bad there isnt much we can do anymore I now this is a bad thing to say but inactivity is going to be the death of this clan
ill come with you to help just tell me the server name
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
We need to toughen up recruiting. I've had a little read but not too much
(put a tl;dr sign pls.)

I think standards need to be this good
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this