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Toribash Effects
Would it be cool if we had like sand effects, What I mean by that is sand flying around in mid air
With physics
and sand in the floor with different textures like water idk what ever
so would it be cool?
That's sounds like great but I don't know if it will pass to go in the game because it might effect the view to move your body parts. If you want to just use shaders. Good idea though
It's not a high priority imo, but it would be nice to have different environments and whatnot. For example sand floor that sinks when you land on it or joints moving slower in water, maybe realistic launch pads. Maybe something to consider when making the new physics engine that will happen god knows when.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
This would be so awesome! But Toribash isn't too ready for that yet. This would be amazing in mods like spar. Like Lazor's said, you could be fighting and you land in quick sand, and then your spar opponent must either let you sink or try to save you. Awesome idea ;)

Originally Posted by EnTrance View Post
Would it be cool if we had like sand effects, What I mean by that is sand flying around in mid air
With physics
and sand in the floor with different textures like water idk what ever
so would it be cool?

Yeah Pretty much it would,but what if you can move with your hands or just sand/water in a tornado around you.
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