Weekend Bash
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Duel/Wager match Rules and Guidelines

The link above is a conglomeration of all of our scam report guidelines and policies. If you have any questions or concerns contact a member of the Market Squad.
Last edited by Creati0n; Aug 11, 2018 at 01:38 PM. Reason: updated
Addicted-re 07-16

24/07/2019. I'll find you again my friend.

"I like to visualise icky in the astral realm fighting off the spambots (alien-robot hybrid species) singlehandedly and trying to scan their brains to find out which evil mastermind is sending them" ~ rola
what if someone pings before time has passed I.E before there was movement.
"Pain is one of the best thing to write about, because everyone can relate to it."-Deathf
Originally Posted by deathf View Post
what if someone pings before time has passed I.E before there was movement.

Then it would not count to the score and you would redo it.


Originally Posted by deathf View Post
what if someone pings before time has passed I.E before there was movement.

as soon as 1 frame passes , the match is active so even IF the match just just started and like 5 frames passed and u ping the other person gets a point.
I have had a situation on the past that is not specified in these rules.

So i duel this guy, 300k vs full 512. I saw he is scammer and dosen't have the item but i said, lets do it. At least i get the sucker banned.
When i loose i ask to show me proof that he owns the item that were promissed in case i win (wich he diden't have on any accounts)
The sweet staffs made me pay a scammer 300k because he fueled item he did not have and won.
I don't think that is fair...

And why are first to 1 in wtf.tbm not supported. I means that people can scam wo repercusion? I think any agreed duel should be valid
Pm me for deals
Originally Posted by Insanity View Post
I have had a situation on the past that is not specified in these rules.

So i duel this guy, 300k vs full 512. I saw he is scammer and dosen't have the item but i said, lets do it. At least i get the sucker banned.
When i loose i ask to show me proof that he owns the item that were promissed in case i win (wich he diden't have on any accounts)
The sweet staffs made me pay a scammer 300k because he fueled item he did not have and won.
I don't think that is fair...

And why are first to 1 in wtf.tbm not supported. I means that people can scam wo repercusion? I think any agreed duel should be valid

If you actually knew that the other party didn't had the wagers, then you should've reported him for scam attempt, and not duel him in the first place. Refusing to send the wagers even though the other party didn't had the promised wagers, it's also considered scam and can get both parties banned.

1 match of wtf.tbm is not supported, but that doesn't mean that we will not handle the case (depending of the MS discretion), take loans as an example.
I'm not familiar with what "wtf.tbm" is, but provided it's equal on both sides, we support duels on it. We won't support duels on mods like lolnade3fast where one player has a distinct advantage of another built into the mod itself. Or any other unclear shenanigans like messing with game rules of popular mods discreetly prior to someone entering.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
I dueled redblast0 for my hand texture for 20k tc I dueled him won the he didn't give me the 20k he refuses to even give me 1k
And I also really want my 20k tc
Last edited by UnUnTrue; Sep 13, 2017 at 12:00 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
If you have any Screenshots, or other ways to prove he scammed you, please post it in the Scam Report section here: http://forum.toribash.com/forumdisplay.php?f=518
Last edited by Icky; Oct 5, 2017 at 01:34 PM.