Original Post

Hi there, so I guess the game really did get your attention.

Now, today, I will teach you some of the very important glitches and tricks.


The Big Board Glitch (TBBG):

Difficulty:Very easy

Extremely useful in some maps
It basically places a red jointed board out of your building area.

So how?
Pick the Big Board, now inside your building area start building. Now the trick is, just before the progress bar reaches a 100% press "B" on your keyboard and Drag.



Wall Jump (WJ):

Difficulty: Hard

Probably the most important trick of all. If successful, you will be able to climb walls and beat the others to the cheeeeeeeeese.

So how?
First, understand these two facts:
1.If you fall from a ledge (without jumping) you can jump in the air.
2.An object's side can give you an extra jump on impact.

Moving on,
this is what you have to do:

1.Run with momentum towards a wall.
2.Jump and hit the walls side surface.
3.Now move to the opposite side.
4.Jump again towards the wall.
And repeat

This can be extremely useful in room 18 and 19.

I will keep updating every time I discover something new.

Atlantic Mice:

Server: Atlantic.
Join by typing /Room Atlantic
Toribash name    /  Transformice name
Blackshark            Blackshark
Wutanglee               Wutanglee
Trials                 Trials
Icon5               Icon

Room status: Unknown

For more information, Click here!

Thats all for now,
Bye ;)
Last edited by blackshark; Jun 18, 2010 at 03:59 PM.