Changed Nuthug's move a little.
Attached Files
nuthugedit.rpl (30.5 KB, 133 views)
Last edited by Diabloh; Nov 21, 2009 at 06:50 PM.
A friend with weed is a friend indeed
[lit] [o] [ML]
Diabloh, if you want to be helpful in this thread, why not post what you did to get that replay? Then people would be able to try it step-by-step for themselves, yeah?
Here's four new.
Sorry for not keeping this thread alive enough :p

Another simple decap

Engage distance 300
Gravity 0 0 -9.82

Hold all
Contract abs


Relax left hip
Relax right hip

Space x8

Extend left hip
Extend right hip

Space x3

Extend left ankle
Extend right ankle


Raise left shoulder
Raise right shoulder


Contract left hip
Contract right hip
Contract left knee
Contract right knee


Lower left shoulder
Lower right shoulder
Contract left ankle
Contract right ankle


Contract left glute
Extend left knee
Relax left ankle


Uke's neck dismembered
Scores after 300 frames: Uke 0, Tori 69 764

Disarm 'n decap

Engage distance 150
Gravity 0 0 -9.82

Relax all
Contract neck
Contract left pecs
Extend right pecs
Right rotate chest

Space x5

Hold all
Left rotate chest
Left bend lumbar
Relax right pecs
Extend left pecs
Relax left shoulder
Extend left elbow
Extend left wrist
Extend right glute
Contract left glute
Extend right hip
Relax right knee
Extend right ankle


Right bend lumbar
Contract abs
Extend left glute
Contract left hip
Relax left knee
Relax left ankle


Contract right glute
Extend left knee


Right rotate chest
Extend right pecs
Extend right elbow
Contract left pecs
Raise left shoulder
Extend right wrist
Contract left glute
Contract right hip
Extend left hip
Contract right knee


Raise right shoulder
Lower left shoulder
Relax right knee


Extend right knee


Extend left glute
Extend right hip
Contract left hip
Contract left ankle


Left rotate chest
Contract right pecs
Relax right shoulder
Extend left pecs
Relax left shoulder
Contract left elbow
Hold left glute


Raise left shoulder


Hold left shoulder
Extend left elbow


EDIT: Continuing for one last dismember...

Extend neck
Relax lumbar
Contract left pecs
Lower left shoulder
Contract right elbow
Relax right wrist
Contract left glute


Uke's neck, right shoulder and left pecs dismembered, + chest in extended version
Scores after 500 frames: Uke 22 873, Tori 111 691
Scores after 500 frames in extended version: Uke 19 485, Tori 123 812

Simple split 'n decap

Engage distance 150
Gravity 0 0 -9.82

Hold all
Extend neck
Contract abs
Lower left shoulder
Lower right shoulder
Contract left knee
Contract right knee
Relax left ankle
Relax right ankle

Space x6

Contract left pecs
Contract left wrist
Contract right pecs
Contract right wrist
Extend left hip
Extend left knee
Extend right hip
Extend right knee


Raise left shoulder
Relax left wrist
Raise right shoulder
Relax right wrist

Space x4

Extend left pecs
Extend right pecs
Contract left hip
Contract left knee
Contract right hip
Contract right knee


Right bend lumbar
Extend abs
Extend left ankle
Extend right ankle


Hold left hip
Extend left knee


Extend left hip
Contract left ankle


Right rotate chest
Hold left hip
Contract left knee


Uke's abs and head dismembered
Scores after 500 frames: Uke 3 308, Tori 55 218

Double split

Engage distance 100
Gravity 0 0 -9.82

Hold all
Contract neck
Lower left shoulder
Lower right shoulder
Extend abs
Extend left hip
Contract left knee
Relax left ankle
Extend right hip
Contract right knee
Relax right ankle

Space x2

Extend left knee
Extend right knee


Uke's abs dismembered, Tori's chest dismembered
Scores after 50 frames: Uke 22 479, Tori 18 987
Last edited by Tonakai; Dec 12, 2009 at 07:22 PM. Reason: Extension for Disarm 'n decap
Simple Split
Engage Distance: 100
Gravity: 0 0 -9.82

relax all
extend right hip
extend right glute
contract abs
right bend lumbar
right rotate chest

Space x2

extend right knee
contract right hip
extend left knee
extend left hip
left rotating chest
contracting right pecs
lower right shoulder
contract left pecs
contract left shoulder

Space x2

Uke split at the lumbar
Scores after 40 frames: Uke 0, Tori 11 191
My favourit but useless TK opener

/lm taekkyon.tbm
(or engagedistance 180)

Relax All

Hold Left and Right Wrist
Hold Neck
Extend Left Pec
Extend Right Hip
Extend Right Ankle
Extend Right Glute
Contract Right Knee
Contract Right Pec
Contract Abs
Left Rotating Chest
Left Turning Lumbar
Raising Right Shoulder


Extend Right Elbow
Lower Right Shoulder
Extend Right Pec
Contract Left Pec
Right Rotating Chest
Right Turning Lumbar
Contract Left Hip
Contract Left Glute


Extend Left Hip
Extend Left Glute
Extend Left Ankle
Extend Right Knee
Relax Right Glute
Contract Right Hip
Hold Right Ankle

Space 2x

The last turn isn't very important, you can adjust the height of the kick and stuff.

Example Replay below:
Attached Files
tona.rpl (13.8 KB, 112 views)
Last edited by NutHug; Dec 5, 2009 at 04:56 PM.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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Originally Posted by MrBrightside View Post
Engage Distance: 100
Gravity: 0 0 -9.82

relax all
extend right hip
extend right glute
contract abs
right bend lumbar
right rotate chest

Space x2

extend right knee
contract right hip
extend left knee
extend left hip
left rotating chest
contracting right pecs
lower right shoulder
contract left pecs
contract left shoulder

Space x2

Uke split at the lumbar
Scores after 40 frames: Uke 0, Tori 11 191

too lazy to read?
Couldn't provide more ed 100 moves, but instead I have a two moves for Judo when your opponent is AFK.

The Judo openers are medium effective as a normal Judo opener.

Judo AFK decap

Mod judo.tbm

Hold all
Right rotate chest
Right bend lumbar
Extend abs
Contract left pecs
Contract left elbow
Relax left wrist
Contract right pecs
Contract left glute
Contract left knee


Uke's head severed
Scores after disqualification: Uke 5 807, Tori 61 179

Judo AFK Rai Te

Mod judo.tbm

Hold all
Extend neck
Right rotate chest
Right bend lumbar
Contract abs
Contract left pecs
Raise left shoulder
Contract left elbow
Relax left wrist
Extend right pecs
Raise right shoulder
Contract left hip
Contract right hip


Uke's right pecs and neck brutally ripped away
Scores after disqualification: Uke 6 408, Tori 65 461

Hey man, nice shot!

Engage distance 300
Gravity 0 0 -9.82
Damage 1

Hold all
Extend neck
Right rotate chest
Right bend lumbar
Contract abs
Lower left shoulder
Contract right pecs
Lower right shoulder
Contract right elbow
Relax right wrist
Grip right hand

Shift + space x15

Extend right elbow
Contract right wrist


Hold all
Extend right pecs
Relax right elbow
Relax right wrist

Space x7

Left rotate chest
Contract right pecs
Raise right shoulder

Shift + space x15

Left bend lumbar
Extend abs
Contract left pecs
Extend left glute
Extend right glute
Extend left hip
Extend right hip
Extend right ankle


Relax right shoulder
Contract right elbow

Shift + space x7

Ungrip right hand


Relax right elbow


Tori's head ripped off so that it could've been thrown at Uke, smashing it apart
Scores after 500 frames: Uke 64 072, Tori 31 405
Last edited by Tonakai; Dec 24, 2009 at 10:47 AM.
Originally Posted by Diabloh View Post
The Rai Te is a fail suicide right now.

I did it a sec ago, and it worked as it was supposed to...
Try it again, in case you missed some joint.