Original Post
[e] Recruitment

So you want to join Electric? Make sure to read this thread carefully before submitting an application. It will save you a lot of work if you follow directions the first time.

All recruits are required to submit an application in response to this thread. Do not post it anywhere else or you will be automatically denied.

All applicants must have this mandatory rule in mind when writing their application. The application must be free-form or template style with a bio about yourself, your age and why we should allow you to join the clan. No one liners please and make sure you're serious about joining. Members are expected to stay for more time than a few days to a week.

So the secret is simple, make your best, don't expect us to accept you with a weak app.

To ensure you read this thread thoroughly, the end of your application have this line copied and pasted in: "Electric."
Here's two examples used from random clans.

What you should do

What you shouldn't do

Thank you for your interest in joining Electric and Good Luck

Last edited by Noobie; Aug 14, 2016 at 06:18 AM. Reason: Added a requirement
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
So, I have decided to try and join this clan. I am going to be honest when I say that the reason I want to join is because I see twilight post around and she seems like a pretty cool person. I want to make new friends and be in a clan that I can stay in for awhile. I am done searching for just any old clan, I've joined a lot of clans on my quest to find the one that fits me and I hope that this one will be it.
I am 19 years old and I live in the United States, I have been playing toribash on and off for about 5 years and I must say the community has grown on me. Though I have not been the most liked person, I still enjoy being here more than any other community on the internet.
I spend most of my time here, my gmt is -7 and I am on usually all night if I can. To make an long app short, I am just tying to find where I fit in the most. Call it clan hopping if you want but I am eager to find a place to stay.

"Yes, I did turn it off and on again."
Well, if you plan on staying for a while, I'll throw an invite your way. I think we could use active people ingame and on the forums. Just start posting around here and we should get along just fine. I don't have an prior reasons to deny you anyway. Also, nice, you read the whole post!
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Awesome, I left you a little note in the General Talk thread. Glad you're here!
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Dear [e] Application reviewers,

I am dddcrazy12, or Tom, and I am applying to this wonderful clan because I believe that you have awesome members and good order. Also, I love this clan and I am 14, currently living in Mount Olive, North Carolina, and have few few friends due to my lack of confidence. But, anyway, This clan looks nice and I think I am worthy of it so please take me into consideration when adding new members. My past clans include (T1U),they had no organization, so I left; (Crit), Leader called himself a Nazi which I found slightly offensive and wanted nothing to do with him after that;(Lux), They all made fun of me for being in full amethyst at the time, so I left;(Horde) The leader and I made a deal to where I would send 5k to the clan bank and then leave so he could apply to become official. Thank you for your time guys! Btw I am 4th Dan Black Belt

I still love you,

"Yes, I did turn it off and on again."
Attached Files
0For [e] #1.rpl (55.1 KB, 13 views)
0For [e] #2.rpl (66.8 KB, 8 views)
Despite the large number of clans in your past (I too have a few), I don't see anything bad in your application. I notice your did read the first post. Sorry, I don't really view replays since... I'm terrible at judging them. :/ I'm not an ingame person. xD I'll invite you. Also, you still love me? Were you in this clan before? o: I can't remember.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Its an inside joke, Im sorry if i startled you with teh awkward words LOL
P.S.~ The replays arent to be judged, but to be enjoyed :P
Lol, no, it's not startling. I get that from boys all the time. xD Anyway, I'll check them out later then. I'm no good at making them so I at least should appreciate when someone can actually make them. Anyway, take this chat to the chat thread.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.