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Help for: Toribash crashes or goes really slow when opening multiplayer.
We have just about figured out this problem as of the 26th of feb, and we are working on fixing it, for now it seems you can't solve this issue personaly, and you will have to either wait for Intel to stop making crappy drivers or for us to find a workaround.

If you can bear the game looking horrible, running it in 256 color mode stops the issue.
You need to right click the application or short-cut to it, properties, and then go to the compatibility tab, and tick '256 color mode'.


This issue is exclusive to Intel GFX on Windows 64 bit - more specifically with the newer drivers.

Using older drivers is advised since new ones are complete garbage.
Last edited by firebolty; May 27, 2012 at 11:31 PM.
Originally Posted by civ77 View Post
Is there an estimate on when this will be fixed?

Since I'm not the one who's been assigned to fixing it I can't say. We hope to have it fixed on first launch of 4.0 however, which is rolling ahead quickly.
Errr im using windows 7 on an Alienware 14x and whenever i click multiplayer it just immediately crashes.
without warning, it just crashes. boom.
is THAT what your talking about, or is my problem different entirely?
Originally Posted by FakeAngel View Post
well i have that problem too! damn intel and their crappy drivers... anyway ill wait for that to be fixed

Mine as well, it works fine on my laptop(which is FAR less powerful than this PC i'm currently using) but it still crashes on this one. I'm glad to know that the problem has been detected however, and i'm eagerly awaiting a fix for it
If you can bear the game looking horrible, running it in 256 color mode stops the issue.
You need to right click the application or short-cut to it, go to the compatibility tab, and tick '256 color mode'.
Well if you want your multiplayer to work you can do this either if it says not connected and you CAN go into multiplayer then you might be a higher belt so you can't go on that one. If you can't go into multiplayer and you toribash crashes go to the icon on your desktop and right click it and go to properties then go to compatability and tick(check mark) the run in 256 colors then apply then run it and go to multiplayer if you know which one it is then it will work. But one problem, you can't really see writing and your screen will look crappy but you will know what joint is which. It worked for me but i can't see very well on it.

This was my idea but Vox just put it on so i made a bit more detailed one.
Last edited by Kable732; Mar 5, 2012 at 05:33 AM. Reason: I wasn't done