Double posting is fine when updating, right Jam0864 or MrPoptart?

Hangman mod with gallows is on the front page....
uh about the 1 i suggested u sorta did it wrong

i wanted an actual box that u have to kick out of the way

not a falling stand
Activism is a duty, not a choice. Only through activism can we really make this a country for the people, and by the people. Cast aside your apathy. Don't stay behind closed doors.
Actually, I tried that.....

It didn't work like I planned because I put in much gravity so that Tori would decap easily if he is not standing on anything, but the box was too heavy, therefore you couldn't kick it out of place.

Now, Keep 'em ideas coming!!
maby make the box super light?

or not a box mby a pole with a tiny platform under it like the first 1 but taller?
Activism is a duty, not a choice. Only through activism can we really make this a country for the people, and by the people. Cast aside your apathy. Don't stay behind closed doors.