Original Post
Moderated Post
Juntalis's House of Employment
Okay, guys. We were talking and have come to the conclusion that while this community is awesome, we could make it even better. In turn, I've decided to establish: Juntalis's House of Employment. In the below fields, you will find jobs with cash incentives tacked on. To apply for one of these jobs, you need only to fill out a form I will have at the bottom of this post. Any replies made that do not include a filled out application will be deleted, and the user who makes said reply will be infracted. That is all.

Current Job Listings
You need not apply for this job. Just do it, and PM Juntalis.
Wiki Writers
Pay: 200TC - 2000TC
Description: This is one of the easiest jobs out there. You will write articles in the Toribash Wiki which can be found here. The only requirement is that the article must be at least 500 words long for you to be paid. Additionally, try to make it a decent article, at the very least. Including pictures is also a plus. You will be paid an amount depending on how good your article is.
Contact: Juntalis

Tournament Organizers
Pay: Set TC per Fighter. Will be negotiated.
Description: You will be in charge of setting up Nabi daily tournaments. Schedules, etc can be negotiated, and good GKs get rewards.
Contact: Shogan, Juntalis(Until we get it set up. When that happens, just Shogan.)


Position Applying for:
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc):
Why you want to do this job:
Last edited by Shogan; Jun 26, 2008 at 04:24 PM.
Name: Culapou
Position Applying for:
Tournament Organizers

Why you would be a good candidate: I am very active, and can be able to host a tourney at many times, early in the morning, and late at night, Also i make really creative mods, which i would love to put in tourneys, I also pay close attention to detail, OH yes i also know all server commands by heart

Why you want to do this job:Would be really fun, making some modes, putting them in a tourney. Watching other people try for a big chance at winning money, and the intensity

References: I go to lots of Nabi sponsored tourneys and i know how to handle arguments and png timeouts etc.

Also on payment: none required
EDIT: also i have a server i know the pass to so you wont need to go aside to do some extra work, blablabla
Last edited by TheGod; Jun 25, 2008 at 08:03 AM.
Name: Splunker
Position Applying for: Tournament Organizer
Why you would be a good candidate: Because I have lots of experience in changing modes or mods ingame and i have good skills in keeping rule breakers from breaking rules.
Why you want to do this job: Because its good experience Being a Tournament Organizer.
References: I have dont tournaments before im willing to do more.
Name: PlayerID666
Position Applying for: Tournament Organizer
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc): I've hosted tourneys before, and I know how to keep idiots under control.
Why you want to do this job: Organizers keep whining about how hard their job is.
References: You.

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.

Name: Cindermomo
Position Applying for: I would be able to work with a tournament organizer by actually hosting the tournament via my computer
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc): I am very active both on forums and ingame. I have a fast reliable internet, I am available anytime.
Why you want to do this job: Well, I would be willing to do this for a very small fee, maybe even free.
References: Loje, Patrick_Unrated, Deagle1130 (I hope), Tonakai, Cabose, all of the wonderful Freelance clan members.

Maybe if you want PM me if you are interested.
Last edited by Cindermomo; Jun 26, 2008 at 10:49 PM.

Name: Sam1 A.K.A Sami
Position Applying for: Tournament Organizer
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc): I've been here for a long time so I know how things go. I'm fairly active and I have participated in many tourneys. I have a nice imagination so my tourneys would probably be fairly fun. I think I'd be capable of hosting both SP/MP tourneys. (I've already hosted one SP tourney, it went good.)
Why you want to do this job: Because I want to do something good for the community. I have also several cool ideas for tourneys, which I'd like to use.
References: AaronSasori, and some other GameKeepers maybe..?
Last edited by Sam1; Jun 27, 2008 at 03:02 PM.
~What word begins with p and ends in orn? Popcorn!~
Originally Posted by Splunker
...i cant just sit and watch the clan i made and payed for just die in my face it hurts...

Name: Sa1uk
Position Applying for:Tournament Organizer
Why you would be a good candidate: I am active everyday in-game and on the forums, I have been involved in many tournaments in the past and know how to set servers up (as I have my clan server).
Why you want to do this job:I want this to become more involved in the community
References:Me and Clan Fusion
Last edited by DarkSlycer; Jun 25, 2008 at 06:16 PM.
No longer playing Toribash, so fuck off
Position Applying for:Tournament Organizer.
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc):I am very active, Forum and In-game and I like to try new things,so I'd like to try this.
Why you want to do this job:Because I think it would be cool and for all the things I have done,I should do something for the community.
References:Me and maybe some help form another ToriAgent.

Thank you. =D
Name: 2Bash (Garry).

Position Applying for: Tournament Organizer.

Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc): I am very active. I am the only leader of iCU, and I organise/keep control of the iCU server, along with changing mods to satisfy members. I am dedicated to my current clan iCU, but not so much that it would affect anything like this. I also reply to questions and comments in the support section of the forum because I like to help people.

Why you want to do this job: It would be great to become more involved in the community. I like to help out members who are uncertain about things, and overall I like to be a nice guy.

References: Everyone in iCU. If you'd ask random people about me, and if they know me then I guess they would give kind comments.

Thank you,
Last edited by crux; Jun 25, 2008 at 02:58 PM.
Position Applying For:Tournament Organizer
Why would i be a good candidate:Like every one im online every Day And I Know bout tournaments And I want to help Nabi cause i know i will do my best and i already know what to do. and I want to learn more. And help our community and i have experience to Change mods and all of those.
And its ok if you dont pay me its ok if you do.
References:Me and a Ta : D
Box For TA ! awo awo :D
Name: toritori9
Position applying for: Wiki writer
Why I would be a good candidate: I can write articles pretty well, and make them understandable.
References: You
I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!
