Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
this isn't really relating to freelance, but i just thought id share my idea with you's... So

Imagine a game world, where you can interact with everything in the world
now, imagine being able to do that with your bare hands, and being able to actually feel what your interacting with

I have an idea that could make this work, however it may take many years its still one of my best idea's ever

so basically, you would put on gloves that have some sort of force feedback motors that apply an opposing force to your fingers/hand depending on what your interacting with sort of... like if its something really hard, it wouldn't let you move your fingers past a certain point, if it was something soft, it would just dampen the movement... based on physical properties all programmed into the engine etc. It could be a revolutionary way to interact with games. Especially if the game is physics based, such as basketball, you would be able to bounce the ball and actually feel as if your hand is colliding with it etc. this sort of force feedback could also eliminate ultra high speed movement to cause objects to go flying as if they were nothing etc.

I might start learning c++ and program a glove thing like that(with ingame hands that react to every motion, duh), as far as the force feedback thing goes, it would take a long time
<smegg> I want you to be gay for me
<smegg> Please
The gloves couldn't stop you. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, the motors in the glove wouldn't be strong enough to push your hands back anyway.
Yeah, I had dream about something like this.

There was a room in our school, And in that room was like, a Room with platforms That was a maze, and You had to shoot at people, and if you got hit enough/in the right spot, you would die, Not Die Die, but You know "die" for like 20 secs before you got to play again.

If you did invent that, you would be like a friggin trillionare.
Also, think about the Effect it would have on people.

Some people would..

-Not be able to tell the difference between the virtual reality and Real life
-Would be more addicting then heroin for some people.
-Be more drawn away from society.

Those are some i can think of without Really thinking.
Last edited by 2worlds; Dec 25, 2008 at 11:31 AM.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
drTre: while I agree with you there, and had contemplated that in the first place, its just force feedback, it would simply be there to add to the realism of the experience :P
<smegg> I want you to be gay for me
<smegg> Please
All it would do would apply a little pressure to the hands similar to someone grabbing them, then squeezing tight. I guess it's a cool concept but to to think it'll revolutionize gaming by having truly interactive environments is a bit of a stretch for a little pressure.
actually... this is a cool idea.... and something simelar will b invented. sometime in the fitire

just take wii... they´re on that way... you can move the ingame guy with your own movements....

and NASA have a special "suit" that can control a robot. they put it on and put a mask on then they see throu the robot "eye´s" that robot is for if they´re in the space and get hit by a meteor or something they just send the robot out and fix the damage...
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
DarkCrypto: Remember I had that idea like a year ago, but without the gloves, and you said it wouldnt be possible.
hmm i think so but the whole reason I said it wouldn't be possible was because of the fact that there was no way for your body to interact with it, however

Technology has proven itself to come with surprises more recently

for example, motion tracking has become alot better, augmented reality, impulse controllers, hell theres a helmet that reads what your thoughts are and you can controll stuff through that

but the whole point of the glove is for the detection of the motion in the most direct way, that and, you wouldn't really be able to simulate force feedback through brain chips yet :P
<smegg> I want you to be gay for me
<smegg> Please