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Card Collecting and Toribash collector cards
So, some ppl asked me to post this here because it sound like a cool idea.

We were discussing the use of the Toribash collector cards and I have posted this:

''It would be cool if they were actually very cheap (as item) and you can get them by playing 500 or so games. Then, each time you beat someone that has a card item, you gain it in your collection (not as item but as a trophy). Then ppl would actually be proud of their collections and try to collect more. If their collection would be shown on their user page as an album or something...
Market for them would be made than(ppl would probably hire artists just to make them those cards with their toris that look nice etc).
If the collection would have a value depending on the player's belt you manage to beat (higher belt, more value) then ppl would go around hunting for other players that have cards to incorporate them into their collections thus having a bragging right when gaining more valuable collections...

But, might be too much work for web devs to implement. Not really sure how much is viable to do that work just to turn an item that has no use at the moment (except as a high valuable item to trade because of rarity) into something that players can use to start their trophy room showcase, lol.
¤Team Wushu Tier 5 ¤
"Roses are red, violets are blue, faces like yours belong in the zoo. Don't be mad, I'll be there too. Not in the cage but laughing at you.".

This could add a fairly original aspect to Toribash. I would definitely want to collect these, if this idea was implemented. Fully support this.

Maybe people would actually gain the card item in their inventory, but have it be untradeable. The only problem there, then, would be having something like the tourneybot duplicate the item and send it to the winner.

It would be cool to be able to purchase certain effects after reaching different belts/qi. I'm sort of imagining Tripstone as a holographic pokemon card.
Last edited by Kahn; Oct 4, 2016 at 03:50 AM.

It's a nice idea but as soon as it gets implemented, users who already own collector cards and those who have paid a lot of TC for them years ago will be affected as their cards become worthless unless you have to work really hard for these cards. Or these free ones could be untradeable, cant be edited and less significant in size then at least they would be more restricted than the current ones.
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
It's a nice idea but as soon as it gets implemented, users who already own collector cards and those who have paid a lot of TC for them years ago will be affected as their cards become worthless unless you have to work really hard for these cards. Or these free ones could be untradeable, cant be edited and less significant in size then at least they would be more restricted than the current ones.

Users that payed years ago loose. Thats what happened when the market was changed and this is what happens when changes occur for the better of the comunity.

About this idea:
I like it very much but this would be a neverending collection. When u have 30 000 games played u probably have played around 10 000 or less different people. So that would be 10 000 card collection...

I remember in diablo 2 in mp if u beat a player u get teir ear. U could collect as many as your inventory had room in it.

But this could be an event of sorts. Wait for it....
So. Get 128 famous and well known active player list. Make cards of them. AND u GOTTA BEAT THEM ALL to get all the cards. Like pokemon. Or idk...this is starting to sound worse while i write it.

Anyway i support revitalizing collector cards.
Pm me for deals
Get stuff for playing, sure why not.

If you can give this a solid plan for how exactly you want this to work, what they should/shouldn't do etc then we could prod the web devs.

IMO the bigger issue with this is art & not dev, someone has to make it.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
About the art, I think an ES art event would do the job - and would help the community to get used to the concepts of the collector card system.
Pois nasci nunca vi amor
E ouço del sempre falar
I fully support this idea because it may cause people that otherwise would have left to stay in the game and remain active. It would give the player another personal goal in toribash. This is especially important for those that feel like they've nothing left to achieve in the game and also about the 'Beat X and obtain the X Collector Card' maybe it could be more specific then that like, what if one could be 'Beat (Ern or Moop or Imsku) X times in (Tk or erthtk) to earn the (Ern or Moop or Imsku) Collector Card' - you see? That kind of thing. (It wouldn't be wise to make it obtainable by just one win for obvious reasons). But of course there's one major issue with this and that is the fact that the mods can get updated and the original one that was registered with the achievement wouldn't be recognized but that can be resolved all with some work from the devs...? (The people that manage those game assets) I'd say such an interesting suggestion is well worth the work to be implemented.
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
@Insanity it's still not exactly fair. Especially when active users own them. I'm all up for this idea as long as they act like achievements and not tradeable items. Maybe they could be dueled too, just not sold.