Weekend Bash
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limit account creation to stop alts
this game is infested with alts its becoming sad, maybe implement some way to stop alt spam creation by blocking ip or something etc, now you might say they can use a vpn but atleast it would limit some others to a extent
im not saying alts are not allowed btw, just limit how many alts can be made by that person, like 10 max per ip?
Last edited by cutterchop; Apr 17, 2024 at 02:58 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

even 10 seems like a stretch tbh xd, the amount of alts I run into on a daily basis on a game with such a tight player base as this one is insane
AikidoBigDojo Nightmare

Originally Posted by Stone View Post
Isn't that because all the regular players are people that have been banned countless times?

Then fuck em keep them banned, literally a user has like 6 alts tfff the game gotta force email verification at least

whats so sad about the game being infested with alts tho?

nasty lads who are trying to harm the community are being ip banned and constantly kept away by the staff team, until they either give up or grow up

and for the rest of us, creating a new account doesn't give you any real advantage, does it?
Originally Posted by imp View Post
whats so sad about the game being infested with alts tho?

nasty lads who are trying to harm the community are being ip banned and constantly kept away by the staff team, until they either give up or grow up

and for the rest of us, creating a new account doesn't give you any real advantage, does it?

Well duels are annoying with alts, you don't know their skill level so you have to basically go into it blind because no way will they play serious otherwise.

Clan recruitment is tedious, just yesterday alone I held a recruiting server for 3-4 hours and I got 2 people who weren't alts out of 5.

It's not that it imposes "advantages" per se, it just makes the whole interaction tedious as a whole more times than not
AikidoBigDojo Nightmare

There's no good way to stop alts that doesn't also make account creation in general a tedious process, which scares off more real users than it stops people making alts.
Any system that doesn't go insanely overboard (we ask for your ID + phone number) would have enough loopholes to allow alt creation, so there's not much sense implementing more ways to ban people other than what we already have in place - which is more than just infractions and account bans.

Well duels are annoying with alts, you don't know their skill level so you have to basically go into it blind because no way will they play serious otherwise.

Don't duel white belts
If they had to make an alt then it means they're more likely to scam you anyway, and if you don't care about that then well, guessing their skill is just another test for your luck.
true it nearly impossible to differentiate from new user from previous user
[JollyR] [Tribe] [eVo] [fl0w]
Originally Posted by sir View Post
There's no good way to stop alts that doesn't also make account creation in general a tedious process, which scares off more real users than it stops people making alts.
Any system that doesn't go insanely overboard (we ask for your ID + phone number) would have enough loopholes to allow alt creation, so there's not much sense implementing more ways to ban people other than what we already have in place - which is more than just infractions and account bans.

Don't duel white belts
If they had to make an alt then it means they're more likely to scam you anyway, and if you don't care about that then well, guessing their skill is just another test for your luck.

The admin alt tracking tool includes GUID (read: computer-specific ID -- they know who you are even with a VPN). Are you not using that anymore?

It's by no means perfect, but I doubt many scammers are spoofing their hardware

... or are staff still not meant to talk about that? Oops
Last edited by ruby; Apr 22, 2024 at 07:41 PM.
yeah ip bans exist i thought, why not just limit accounts to ip? or something of sort, personally i dont see an issue with alts unless ur ban evading, farming beginner servers. if ur just playing anywhere else but the beginner lobbies theres 0 issue with being on an alt anything else would have to be on the player who is dueling on alts, u dont have to duel them if u dont want to, if u do and u get clapped well whatd u expect, u can just ask for their main and listen to the "this is my main" bs or u can just watch them play and figure out how good they are, if ur losing to them its not cuz theyre on an account with a lower belt, its cuz ur worse than them. its also not that hard to figure out what theyre skill is by watching a match or 2, u can easily see a difference between a white belt and a brown belt, and brown belt from 2nd dan, and from 2nd dan to 5th, and from 5th to 9th, and so on, theres massssssive gaps in skill and tricks they will use when playing, if u figure what people usually can do at a certain belt its easy to see assign patterns and do alot more than just guess their belt
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