ES Recruitment Drive
Absolutely wonderful! Once [vibe] becomes official, we'll PM you for sure. No one can be vibin' without their license.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

Amazing iLL!
/me hands iLL a waffle
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
Няшная шняжка )
Nice thing, bro!
hey, Huszti, You DAmn Stealer!
After I activate his clan account, he can access to his clan control panel here.

That means I can also give the Co-Leader access to the control panel, doesn't it?

EDIT: I made some test:
Ldr[Hack]gerFight got kicked.
[HACk]gerFight got kicked.
[Hack-Leader] didn't get kicked.
But yeah, if you change it so everyone with "Hack" in the name would get kicked, people like "[anyclan]LoLHacker" will get kicked always xD

When I made my own server, I also got kicked, but there only appeared "Lost Contact" instead of Nirs warning and kicking me.
Not that I want it to get changed, I just wanted to let you know^^
Last edited by gerFight; Apr 19, 2010 at 06:44 PM.
Originally Posted by Winver View Post
Спасиба Илл))

Originally Posted by Morok View Post
Няшная шняжка )
Nice thing, bro!
hey, Huszti, You DAmn Stealer!

People please try to give us a translation if you`r going to post something in Russian.
Helge Sverre - System Developer

<ganryu> Alan, sos mas idiota que tu gato
<ganryu> Alan, you're more idiot than your cat
The problem with making it scan for the tag anywhere in the square brackets means that if you have ex: [lol] as a clantag, and another clan has [Trolol] then they could be kicked for not being in [lol].