Original Post
[R] logo design for boxing glove
Hello I am looking for a relatively simple logo design to go onto some boxing gloves I am ordering.

What I’m pretty much looking for is a badass octopus looking thing. Unless you can think of something cool also feel free to design something of your own.

The above image is pretty much what I’m looking for. Preferably even cooler looking, and for the writing in the same style.

I would like the left to say Auckland. The right to say New Zealand and the bottom to say Kickboxing. I am thinking towards going into a black glove so white will probably be the best.

This is the basic design

The website also says maximum of four colours and no gradients.

Will pay in Tc.
I apologise for this post.
Hey man should it be a vector format or it can be a raster one?
And if I may ask do you need it for commercial purposes?
Last edited by Hug; Mar 6, 2019 at 12:23 PM.