Original Post
How to shorten links:
I'm seen some people having a link like In there signature wich i have come to help with.

How to make a custom link:

Step one: Go to the internet site thing at the top of the page you want to have in your sig it should be something like and right click (it will be highlighted blue) and scroll to Copy.

Step two: Go to the (User Cp) option under the Toribash title at the top.

Step three: Scroll down the left hand column and find the "Edit Signature" link and click to go to the page that looks like your about to make a thread.

Step four: At the top of the thread you will see a globe with a chain and click it and it will make a small window and it will have "Http://" already typed just delete it. Then paste what you copied in step one onto the passage. Then click ok. It will have this [ URL=""][/URL].

Step five:[ URL=""][/URL] The blue part is the part you shall erase. So it will now be [ URL=""]Hello[/url] Hello You put the Hello in the middle of f=20"] and [/url] I put the space on the last link so it would not be Hello. I put [ URL at the beggining it has to be [URL to be right.

Also here is another usefull site to make a tiny url http://*******.com

Did this help anyone? If so post here.
Last edited by ydnarano67; Apr 19, 2009 at 01:07 AM.
This is very pointless because even though you see less letters in the signature, the system still counts the BBcode. You will not be able to actually have more text in your signature like this.

Your signature cannot be longer than 200 characters including BB code markup.

Whoop Whoop