Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Rafufu's Million TC Christmas Give-away
The roll back removed my old one, and I really couldn't be bothered to remake it, so I decided on this.

You have until 1pm on Christmas Day (GMT) to post in this thread the reason you want toricredits for Christmas, and what you would spend them on. The top 10 posts will all receive 100,000 toricredits to enjoy.

Everyone who posts something will get 200 tc as well, because I don't want to see anyone sad on Christmas.

So that is that, Merry Christmas
Last edited by rafufu; Dec 24, 2010 at 06:35 AM.
lol, I remember the last one I would like the 100k tc because I am beyond poor and I will spend it on stuff in the store, and I will give some away, and give some more the next day. (rhyming lol) and I will buy stuff for my friends.

[EDIT] compass, you're backseat moderating :P

[EDIT] PS. you're a saint rafufu, A SAINT!

[EDIT] I sent an application to become a gamekeeper, and until then, I'll use the money for some events

Tonakai Moderated Message:
User was warned for this post (Backseat moderating backseat moderator)
Last edited by Tonakai; Dec 24, 2010 at 09:17 PM.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
The reason I would like to gain this Toricredits is because I'm pretty poor right now, even though that doesn't seem to be an efficient reason. If I am to receive this TC I would share and spread it among my best friends and the unfortunate. I've also never had a large quantity of Tori-credits before and I would like to split it equally between me and my friends. Please consider me :3.

Last edited by Catastrophe; Dec 24, 2010 at 06:49 AM.
It's. . . been too long.
100k tc because I would like to host more events in the future, and I don't really buy much for myself anyway. (I don't even have a head texture) Merry Christmas to you anyway, whether you decide to give it to me or not.
Last edited by novamage; Dec 25, 2010 at 03:26 AM.
Thanks for holding this. I would like 100,000 toricredits for Christmas, because for my whole Toribash career, I have never had that much. I wish to be a more popular member, yet I feel as though many look down upon me do to my shortage of items and ToriCredits. I will probably spend the tc on some 512x512 textures, becaus I am an aspiring texture maker and it would help me try out my textures. I would also share some toricredits with my friends. I'm sure they would appreciate it. I might also host tournaments, because I believe many members enjoy them, and the feeling of sharing wealth and being generous is one thing I believe the holidays are about. Anyways, that is why I would like 100,000 tc for Christmas. Thank you. Oh, and sorry for sounding like a beauty queen pageant contestant. . Also, I really hope this thread doesn't get judged by who is the best at sucking up or making up things just to get tc, but that it will be judged on who actually is getting the meaning of Christmas. I for one promise to fullfill what I have put as my reasons if I were to get the tc. Oh, I left out Merry Christmas to you :3. Thank you for holding this and being so generous as to giving 100k or 200 tc to those less benefited on Christmas.
Last edited by Compass; Dec 25, 2010 at 02:29 AM.
I have a signature. Check out my replay thread here so I can get better and stuff. Yay!
Happy Holidays!
I want 100k because I've never had a large quantity of tc in my inventory in all my years of being on here. I wouldn't do much with it as I don't ever play any more but I'd be able to have some fun on toribash again by maybe hosting some events or something. Also I'm a greedy bastard
I would like 100k tc because i would give around about 50k to my clan so that they would have tc to do tourneys and stuff so that other people could win some tc aswell and keep the other 50k for myself so i can buy some items to make me look better (Atleast im being honest)
I'll wait till Christmas, it will be more spectacular that way.

I would probably do the same, but give away like 100k, the most to be honest.

You really have me thinking what to do if I become rich.
Call me lLlLlLlLl because I spit straight bars when i rap or call me $tr8B@rz
I would like 100k tc because I am getting good at marketing, and a boost of that much TC would definitely help me get an awesome jump into being a better marketeer. I'm not going to bother you with how I'm poor and whatnot, because I'm not. I have about 50k. But I deserve some of this give away because I actually will know how to spend it wisely and invest it. I'm also not going to suck up, no offense to anybody who does, I have no problem with it, it's just not my thing. Yeah it's generous but repeating it seems kind of redundant.

Edit: If you decide not to choose me, just give some lucky kid 400 tc instead of 200, it's not much to me.
Last edited by Jimbobwe; Dec 24, 2010 at 07:19 AM.
A certain recluse, I know not who, once said that no bonds attached him to this life, and the only thing he would regret leaving was the sky.
I would like 100k to do the following : buy a 512x512 head, donate around 30-60k to my clan, and probably save the rest. Maybe give 5k to a few friends.
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