Weekend Bash
Original Post
Forum Set
Who does forum sets these days, if anyone does them at all? Tried doing it myself but my attention span is abysmal.

I'm looking for a lil gnarly animated gif for the avatar but not too fussed if it's not possible and something real simple but tasty for the sig, go wild with imagination, wouldn't mind something based around bevis and butthead sorta cartoon style, bonus for including alcohol somewhere, animated usertitle is a plus saying something stupid scrolling across the screen, and a VIP background fitting said description, happy to pay USD or TC just lmk what's what and we'll arrange something, cheers

discord #Rated3392

Closing thread seems no one is keen and Im not overly too interested anyhow xox
Last edited by Team; Jan 2, 2025 at 06:10 PM. Reason: changed my mind on sumn
Liquor's resident dipshit
Szazuniya: WHAT
Discord #Rated3392