Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
NutHuuuuuug did you forget about that thing? :P
just a bit bored and made a replay and its edit, plus some older replays, plus a replay made for nuthug long time ago, for a thing I'm too lazy too explain...so yeah, that's it.
Attached Files
# no heaven.rpl (115.3 KB, 122 views)
# I hate naming.rpl (93.3 KB, 109 views)
# long throw.rpl (154.4 KB, 97 views)
# nuthug_2_final.rpl (726.1 KB, 129 views)
OMG.. These are really, good, But it's like youre showing off :P. 10/10
I like the last one xD It adds insult to injury
Oh my, what is this doing here?
King since when were you this awesome? I loved them all, you have really good balance and style. The first one was rather twitchy, but you make up for it with excellence.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
cool, but I dont think its THAT impressive when youre using a gravity that isnt 9.82 nor 30.00.
<Catguy19.0> "Quote me."
oh well, the grav was -30.
also, I rarely see ppl using -30 grav in this way. Learn to think before talking.

also thanks guys for the comments, Marco, you know, that means alot for me said by you :3
First one kinda sucked. Twitchy weird opener, then a pretty simple snapkick-esque decap.

Second had a pretty cool flip at the beginning. The decap pretty much sucked cos it didn't flow from the inital flip. What you should've done is made Uke closer to you and contracted your glutes so you could decapkick Uke while flipping. Example replay provided (without decap, Uke too faraway).

Third had two nice flips, would've been cooler had the decap flowed more properly. Example replay provided (without decap, Uke too close).

Fourth would've been sweet if you stayed on your feet more and didn't use your arms to juggle so much. Also, if you're gonna make a skeet, throw the head UP. Skeeting a head on the floor looks shit.

Overall, quite nice and very stylish, but no brutality. We could learn a thing or two from eachover (me being quite brutal with little or no style).

EDIT: I got the decaps by changing the ED, would you like me to post them?
Attached Files
PotentialAwesomeDecap.rpl (43.9 KB, 40 views)
PotentialAwesomeDecap2.rpl (74.1 KB, 35 views)
Last edited by DeeJayy741; Oct 12, 2009 at 02:56 AM.
Originally Posted by DeeJayy741 View Post
Skeeting a head on the floor looks shit.

Dang, most of my skeets would be pretty shit then eh? Heh, I get what you mean from that close though. If you're actually throwing the body piece down, and at a short distance in length, then it can look a little dodgy.

Anyway, the replays were pretty good. The last one was definately the best of them for me. Try to keep smooth moves up and maybe work a bit on speedy strikes too.