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[ARA] Application Thread

Applications are free-form

Applications are voted on via majority vote. Everyone has an equal say on who gets in.

Teachers are people teach/mentor Students in their general TB skills.

Teacher Application Guidelines

Students are people who wish to learn and/or improve their skills.

Students are automatically accepted as soon as a teacher confirms them

Student Application Guidelines

Replay Makers are people who post replays and provide CnC on other replays. These people don't have to teach anyone.

Replay Maker Application Guidelines

Members are essentially people who just want to hang out and provide CnC on replays if they want. These people don't have to post replays/teach.

Member Application guidelines

Last edited by Lorrtex; Apr 20, 2013 at 07:27 AM.
what am i doing here

I want replay maker :< plox

My name is Craig Connell my GMT is -5
replays are down there somewhere.

ints ~ pal helped me with the first boom/dm thing just a little bit
Attached Files
Fudgie spar.rpl (860.1 KB, 14 views)
Ints.rpl (222.8 KB, 10 views)
Ily Internet, and being as I don't know the whole voting system or if its changed, I vote yes, he's a great friend and pretty good at replays
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

Risk did this to me and I hate him forever, please join the official "Fuck Risk in the Ass With a Live Bat" social group to join me in hating Risk:
Click here to join my cult to fuck Risk in the ass with a live bat
Billybob Jacknisser Jeffreyson Lickle Pi
GMT: +12
Mode/s: Sparring
Times: Sort out via pm, or in general from around 6 - 10 pm.

Billybob Jacknisser Jeffreyson Lickle Pi
GMT: +12


Available: when ever
Attached Files
k6.rpl (116.4 KB, 8 views)
k6-2.rpl (116.4 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by Deuteria; Apr 19, 2013 at 01:10 PM.
Name: Donn Mathew Cruz
GMT: +8
Mode: Sparring (still a bit noobish at it)
I'm usually available at about 10 or so in the morning until 10 in the evening
Student Application

Student applications should your real life name, GMT, specific modes you want to learn and what times you will be available

My real name is Raimie
GMT +8 I think
I wanna learn in replay making and aikido
I'm available everytime, just PM me or meet me ingame to find me
[Gear] | [TMO] | ARA
Apply for Gear here!!!

Already applied on the other thread as Replay Maker/Possible Madman Teacher.

My name is William Pacer, my GMT is -5:00 and I live in Mississauga, Ontario.
I'd like to apply as a teacher/Replay Maker, If I could do both. I give detailed CnC most of the time, and I enjoy helping people learn. As well it'd be nice to see a lot of new replay makers sprout up because of this. I'd like to teach SP replay making if possible, more specifically madmans. Body control and power if possible, those are my strongest traits. I'm usually on everyday for sure from 5-10pm not including Mondays and Thursdays as I'm always away. Weekends I can usually stay on for extended amounts of time.

Yeah, hope to get accepted.
Attached Files
C#MM - Sorrow.rpl (411.8 KB, 4 views)
student app
my real name is Luke
I am GMT+1
I want to learn replay making(madmans,spar and stuff....)
I am avaliable on saturday and sunday
I can PM my teacher when I am ready
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