ES Recruitment Drive
And it has some cool online features taking part at the main campaign, much like Dark Souls. At any moment when you're roaming Chicago without being in a mission, a player can invade your game (you will see them as a common NPC) and try to hack into your phone for information and cash. You can them try and identify them among the crowd and fight back either by killing them or drawing them away of the area, so that they can't hack you anymore. That is some cool shit.
Alright its that time again. Another informative post from me, your favorite reindeer.

I have said in previous posts, i really enjoy sneaking games. When i say sneaking, what do you think of? Assassins Creed? Splinter Cell? Arkham City? Sniper?
What about the grandfather of modern sneaking games, Metal Gear Solid? no? well you fucking should!

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is the next installment in the longest running series in gaming history. It takes place in 1975, and from what the trailer told me its in Afghanistan.

The biggest difference from the other games to this one? ITS OPEN WORLD! This brings a whole new level of stealth tactics to the series. While riding a horse, you can lean and hang off one side, to avoid being seen by a few guards a little bit away. Binoculars permanently tag enemies, giving you the ability to watch their paths, and find a hole.

Unlike old versions, any gun you find on the ground can be used, not just ones you unlock. Smaller caliber firearms are effected by bullet drop, I am hoping this also means that with the open world and terrain of afghanistan mean that sniping from a long distance will be a thing also.
VEHICLES!!!! you can get into all sorts of different vehicles to move around. from horses to jeeps to APCs to tanks, all different modes of transport. one sad part is Keifer Sutherland is now the voice of Snake, instead of long time voice actor David Hayter.

Another cool feature is your minimap. There is none. In order to see your map, you need to open your iDroid and view it. All enemies you tagged show up, it gives you everything you need in a map. The downside, the game doesnt pause around snake when you look at it. The upside? It can be used with second-screen devices. You can download an app on your phone or tablet, and have the map always running, in your peripherals. It can also be used to hear audio files and view mission information. You can set waypoints, see guards movement and locations, all with the touch of a screen.
The graphics are going to be fan-fucking-tastic on next gen consoles. I wont be buying a PS4 for a while, so it makes me wicked happy that it will also be on ps3.

Like all MGS games, you have the choice of lethal or non-lethal ways of doing things. You can run into a place, shooting anything that moves, and hope to survive. You can do guerrilla tactics, sneak around, silently taking out enemies, with the occasional firefight and stealth away. or you can ghost through everything, leaving enemies untouched and non the wiser to you even being there. with crouch, prone, and quick diving, you can evade enemy patrols and eyesight, getting to where you need to go.

few other minor things, Time can go by in real time. there is dynamic weather, including Sandstorms. Obscurring vision, making driving very difficult, but easier to avoid patrols

Child Soldiers

Afghan Landscape

Sandstorm rolling in

Closeup of Snake

Closeup of a female character, that i forget her name.

some of the vehicles

and a 12 minute video
Last edited by Pv2Caribou; Feb 19, 2014 at 12:40 AM.
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
I'm so glad you love the MGS series, it's truely god-like.

Do you know if it will be coming out on pc?
I dont think so...MGS are usually exclusively console games. atleast right when they come out
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos