Weekend Bash
Evaluation Type: Both
Name: FighterKHV
TC total: 809478.00
Qi: 13007
Inventory link: http://forum.toribash.com/tori_pubinv.php?u=102707
Ban/infraction history: 1 ban and few infracts for useless posts.
Booster/Toribash prime information: Nah
Anything else you wish to add: I has some rare items like Sapphire Relax and other rare items.

Evaluation Type: Both
Name: StormReach
TC total: 17413.00
Qi: 502
Inventory link: http://forum.toribash.com/tori_pubinv.php?u=356012
Ban/infraction history: Nah
Booster/Toribash prime information: Nah
Anything else you wish to add: My alt account.
Last edited by FighterKHV; Jun 23, 2009 at 02:17 AM. Reason: FIXED
|Windows Belt 10| |Damned Leader| |Ex-GameKeeper-2010| |RUTori| |Á¸² ÅùÁ|
|Ex-ClanSquad-2018| |20% Cooler than you| |1st nick - Major|

Forge Price: Idk

Flame: Darth H
Forged by Gman80 on 2009-04-08 14:14:06 for the Head.
Want to buy Textures, Signatures, Or an Avatar?
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Lighter (rare collectors Item)
Marlboro Lights (rare collectors Item)
Master Siku's Piano (rare collectors Item)
how much would pharos user text
pharos left leg trail
pharos left hand trail
pharos right leg trail
pharos right hand trail
pharos force
pharos relax
pharos torso
go for?
I'm going to help with items.

Juryo pack:
5k-10k. Devaluing.
Comments: its a low-level promo item. People will sell it pretty cheap, because thats not what they bought the promo for. demand is low, stock is medium-high. Difficult to sell. Best place to buy/sell is market subforum.

knox pack:
12k-15k. Devaluing.
Same has Juryo. slightly more valuable

Pharos usertext:
under 1k
As of all usertext, its a minor item. usually when pharos packs are opened, usertext is discarded, and sold for highest price. pretty much useless.

Pharos trails:
under 1k
This item is even less worthwhile than pharos usertext. it can be completely replaced by texture trails. Stock: high ; demand: very low. Sellability: very low. Best place to buy: torimarket, PM shop owners beforehand to haggle down to near-nothing. This is a pretty old item, so value is pretty much constant. Asset worth: near 0.

pharos torso:
Torsos are worth generally more than trails/ usertext/ grip/ the rest of the crap. They are usually worth less than blood, however. Because pharos is a decent item, its not completely useless. Buy this either on market subforum, or by PMing shop owners.

pharos force/relax:
Force/relax is the one of the most useful non-texture items. it can not be replaced by textures. Even some pros will want this item. Best place to buy: look for it in auctions. if you want both, you might as well buy a pack. Requesting it for ~30k in market subforums, and then haggling down to ~20k would be ideal. Stock: medium; demand: medium. Sellability: medium. Asset worth: nuetral.

Lighter (rare collectors Item)
Marlboro Lights (rare collectors Item)
Master Siku's Piano (rare collectors Item)
I have no idea wtf these things are. The value will be differnt from the price you can sell it. (almost noone will be able to afford it.)Stock: near 0; demand: very low. Sellability very low. Asset worth: medium. Value fluctuating. Difficult to sell. Epenor quotient: Very high.
My personal suggestion: put it up in your shop for a couple of mill. just to make sure everyone knows you have it. Eviagra etc.

you may ask for additional info.

Also, here are some high-value pack comments:

Pure pack:
130k-170k. Currently devaluing, probable increase in value in the future.
A classic pack, a very special item. its price is mainly due to its rarity, and its no-qi properties. it seems as if its value has decreased, as many people have attempted to sell it in the past week. (i havn't checked, but it was part of a promo, right?) However, as the promo is over, the item will probably get more rare. sellability: high. a good asset, although not a very expensive one.

Void-Demon pack
700-900k void: value increasing. demon: Currently devaluing, probable increase in value in the future.
Like pure, it is mainly expensive because of its no-qi properties, and its rarity. (expecially demon) stock: very low. demand: medium. Although its value may be high, people are likely to sell it lower because not many people have that much tc to buy it. Value will drop ~100k, if it is released in a promo that is popular. Currently there are only 2 void packs in circulation, only 1 demon pack in circulation. (correct me if i am wrong.) Asset worth: high. its expensive, and if you are patient, you will find someone willing to pay a lot of money for such an item.

Texture pack:
100k?-250k? fluctuating
Not so sure about this one. many people used to have them, as they were in a promo like that. It was easy to get one lower than 200k. (this was like a few months ago) Now however, there is a differnt texture system. Before, you could not trade textures. The only way someone could buy textures cheaper than some 400k of all the textures in torishop added together, was get a pack. As a result, texture packs were decently valuable, and were good assets. Now, however, seeing as all textures are tradable, this quality is gone. This means, that a texture pack is likely to devalue a lot (imagine what would happen if void lost its qi restrictions.... demon pack would be much less useful).
Last edited by blkk; Jun 24, 2009 at 04:11 PM.
- its been a while
Originally Posted by Jibbles View Post
Lighter (rare collectors Item)
Marlboro Lights (rare collectors Item)
Master Siku's Piano (rare collectors Item)

All are rare.

You probably won't know the EXACT PRICE due to its low stock.

Originally Posted by FighterKHV View Post
Evaluation Type: Both
Name: FighterKHV
TC total: 809478.00
Qi: 13007
Inventory link: http://forum.toribash.com/tori_pubinv.php?u=102707
Ban/infraction history: 1 ban and few infracts for useless posts.
Booster/Toribash prime information: Nah
Anything else you wish to add: I has some rare items like Sapphire Relax and other rare items.

Inventory=$30(alot of rare items. Body Texture)

Evaluation Type: Both
Name: StormReach
TC total: 17413.00
Qi: 502
Inventory link: http://forum.toribash.com/tori_pubinv.php?u=356012
Ban/infraction history: Nah
Booster/Toribash prime information: Nah
Anything else you wish to add: My alt account.


Evaluation Type: Both.
Name: VelocityX
TC total: 32422.16
Qi: 15395
Inventory link: http://forum.toribash.com/tori_pubinv.php?userid=57500
Ban/infraction history: None... well 1 but it was reversed. Funny story actually.
Booster/Toribash prime information: Toribash Prime that runs out on the 1st of February 2010.
Anything else you wish to add: Nope.


Evaluation Type:Both
TC total: 37586.00
Qi:Your Qi: 20400
Inventory link: http://forum.toribash.com/tori_pubinv.php?userid=93503
Ban/infraction history:15Points/One 6days ban for googled picture!
Booster/Toribash prime information:I don't have boosters and prime...
Anything else you wish to add:Ummm...Nothing?

Inventory=$40(depends on what are the kinds of flames)
Last edited by Numb; Jun 24, 2009 at 08:41 AM.
Evaluation Type: tc
TC total: 2768.85

Inventory link: http://forum.toribash.com/tori_inventory.php?sid=-1
Ban/infraction history:6 expired 1 for useless post
Booster/Toribash prime information:none
Anything else you wish to add:2 alts ones a blue belt ones a green belt
Originally Posted by AKP View Post
Evaluation Type:both)
Name : AKP
TC: 1105708.50
Qi: 12539
Inventory link: http://forum.toribash.com/tori_pubinv.php?u=77556
Ban/infraction history:No active infraction points,Total of 21 points throughout all expired.
Booster/Toribash prime information:None(ub3r title is there:|)
Anything else you wish to add:Full Demon,Full Elf,Full Pure,all most joints/relax


Originally Posted by Geast View Post
Evaluation Type: TC
Name: KenScythe
TC total: 0
Qi: 1240
Inventory link: There's nothing in there.
Ban/infraction history: None.
Booster/Toribash prime information: None.
Anything else you wish to add: None.


And for satisfying my curiosity:

Evaluation Type: Both, I guess.
Name: Geast
TC total: 50281
Qi: 7940
Inventory link: http://forum.toribash.com/tori_pubinv.php?userid=94217
Ban/infraction history: None.
Booster/Toribash prime information: None.
Anything else you wish to add: None.

Note that AKP will probably have a couple of $$ extra added in due to the qi, and rep.

I don't understand why all the qi=0. Even if you can't transfer it, it will be useful, and effect selling.
- its been a while