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Off-Topic Rules
Offtopic Board Rules
This board may be considered a safe-haven to lay back and chit-chat about anything and everything. However, this does not double as a spam board. As such, global rules still apply and blatant spam / shitposting is not tolerated.
Originally Posted by lillian View Post
Whilst offtopic is a place with more relaxed rules than other boards, it is not wibbles 2.0
Failure to comply with the rules of the board will result in warnings or infractions being placed.

  • Useless threads are not allowed, a topic is required for your thread. Word games and such are allowed as long as they stay on topic.
    (e.g. Birthday threads, going away/coming back are not allowed. Whilst assosiation games and rate X above you threads are allowed.)
  • Word games are okay - spamming is not. Expect deletion and warning / infractions (for repeated cases).
  • Stick to the theme: whether its a question or a proposed topic, don't veer off and spam. Failure will lead to deletion and warning.

Sub-boards in Offtopic
The sub-boards in this board provide for a good replacement for former Organizations forum. This is where like-minded individuals may participate in conversations relating to common interests found on this beautiful world wide web. Do be wary whether your thread is more befitting in one of these boards prior to posting them.

Gaming Chat

For most of these, the title is pretty self explanatory. If you'd like to share the mad clips from your streams, this is the place to do it. Additionally, you may use this to look for people to play with you. The game suggestion and identification thread is noteworthy.

Computer/Mobile Chat
Again, title mentions the topic. Use this for sharing your coding ventures and asking for advice. If you're a tech guru, you'd be able to help out players seeking a new rig etc.

Music/Movie Chat
Drop your playlists and talk about movies.

Link to Sub-boards guide & rules.

Highlighting Global Rules
These rules are especially important and subject to misconception in this board. As such, I've highlighted them below:
Originally Posted by Global Rules
Inappropriate / Malicious Links
  • Posts and threads inclusive of links considered malicious (i.e. phishing links, shock sites, generally anything with ill-intent) are not allowed. Posts of such nature will be deleted and infracted in accordance with the discretion of a moderator.
  • Posts and threads that include pornographic content, gore, animal cruelty - anything of violent and/or illegal nature are not allowed and will be infracted.

Pornography/shock sites/pirated software etc.
The promotion and/or encouragement of Pornography/shock sites/pirated software is not allowed at any time regardless of reason within the Toribash Community. This is inclusive (but not exhaustive) of linking, referring and mentioning to such content in-game, on the forums or on Toribash Discord.

Last edited by list; Nov 23, 2024 at 06:49 PM. Reason: updated links