We're a parkour group that takes on top-notch runners.
Founded by Hayden (jacksepctceye/Parkourjesus) and RcRichman (Stripper Squad) in 2016, Tk started out as a small group of friends,
whos goal was to acquire some of the most influential parkourists.
now, TK is home to some amazing parkourists, such as ParkourJesus, Karbn, Rcrichman, Tedster789, and many more.
Isn't it obvious? to continue to gain experienced parkourists to increase our ranks.
Want To Apply?
Post an application here, with some information about yourself, and a completed parkour of yours on one of our special TK maps. Judging can/will take anywhere from three days to one week, so be patient!
Credits to kr3s for making our org's new logo!
Last edited by Karbn; Sep 15, 2018 at 01:31 PM.
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
Alrighty it's time for first replay here, Ive been slowly working on it for awhile now, mocu wanted me to make it for a video coming out in june, lemme know if i should keep the bounce