Aight so, I looked at your replays Lionet, and wow, I'll say my cnc step by step:
Cyber Parkour: In this replay, I loved the continuation of your momentum, you never stopped in the replay till the end and each jump to another platform looked nearly flawless, I loved this, especially the little spins you did near the end, though the end jump up did seem a bit awkward though. I'd rate it a 9.5/10.
Raid parkour (wip): Not really much to say about this one, although a bit short, I did like that jump you performed at the beginning, if you'd need help with this one I'd be willing to help via discord.
Parkour City A: Now... this one is where I'll critique more on, your run looks good and the climb looked really good, I'm glad you got that climb going finally. The part where you get to the zipline looks good, buuuut I didn't like the slow down at the end of the zipline personally, I feel like you could've gotten into a running position a bit more quickly. The flips you did at the end looked fine for what they were but the first one seemed pretty slow, but I'll assume that's due to the slipperyness at that part. Overall, 8/10. Still a solid parkour replay.
Damn good replays though.
Last edited by tedster789; Feb 20, 2019 at 03:06 PM.
Reason: Grammar