Weekend Bash
Request: Teacher Membership
Name: Victor4554
Country: Brazil
Languages(Must be fluent in them): Portuguese, English
2 Replays of your spars:

Hey, i am a bit rusty, those replays are kinda old (2017 i guess), but i would like to help, that's why i am applying.
RSO Teacher
now we're rolling, fellas!!! was feeling a little nervous in the beginning, but now i'm feeling a little more reassured

xioi & r0i: accepted! your flows are impeccable. i hope that, once the ball is really rolling, you and the other fellas who applied for students will boost up and pass on your knowledge

victor4554: absolutely accepted, and appreciated! we've got a lot of work to do, so let's give the best that we can give
the goblin
I'm trying to drag some people here too, we need more teachers, don't we?
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

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let's get in business then

I want some help: tips and opinions with this selfspar I'm doing
Attached Files
selfspar #4 (v0.23).rpl (1.43 MB, 15 views)
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

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holy shit that was baller

only thing that bothered me was the kick around 904 but you really made it work. also that transition to that armbar was fucking sexy
the goblin
1100-980 looked really lame but the rest was pretty nice
Originally Posted by Marrez View Post
welcome aboard fred, I've still got hope that I'll spar you one of these days

thanks, I'm a bit rusty but we should definetly make sure that happens
Idk if i cnc in english or portuguese, i think i'll choose english, so everyone will understand.

Some hot stuff u made lion, i really enjoyed that spar overall, but i'll try to detail everything i saw in it.

There isn't much to say about the first kick, it was just a common kick and it was well executed. Same for uke dodge. I don't really enjoyed the second kick, it was a bit slow and a bit low, but one thing i've noticed and enjoyed during that kick is how u used ur arms, u moved both of them perfectly. The third kick was pretty cool, the speed was on point and same for ur mometum. the transiton for the next kick was sweet and it was pretty powerful, i really enjoyed the way uke's react to the kick. after the kick u made a transition for another kick, which was my favorite in that spar and the dodge u made with uke was really cool, probably one of my favorite parts in that spar was the part where after the dodge u kinda did a break dance over tori, it was really cool, and after that the spar slowed down just a bit, the double kick was
a bit slow, but really smooth and the hand stand flip was cool, but i don't really enjoyed how u landed ur leg, hittin ur leg + knee like that hurts a lot, the punches were ok, it was a bit clumsy, the kick after the punches were ok and the last part was pretty cool, the takedown was pretty good too.

Details: Around the frame 1000 u made a little twitch (i think it was when u posed)

Overall: U made a pretty good job, ur flow is amazing, i saw that u rarely twitch, which is awesome, but sometime u kinda do that, just like in the frame 1k where i told and when uke pushed u, u did that too, but it's too specific to notice, u need to watch like 4 times to notice that.

Bom trabalho cara <3
RSO Teacher
thank you very much victor I'll take that in consideration. Just for the record, the /em you're crazy thing was precisely because of the knee thing xD I thought it was cool but it would hurt as fuck so I decided to keep it anyways
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

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