Weekend Bash
Original Post
The Toribash Big Book Of Sparring

Ran by eVo

Updated June 4th, 2019

Welcome to the Big Book of Sparring.
This Organization serves as a guide to all things Toribash Sparring.
All replays are done on -30 gravity. If you believe you can do a replay example better submit it below! Try out one of the empty ones or add to the list!

Standing Kicks

Front Push Kick...............................Side Kick........................................... Sweep Hook Kick
Video Example...........................Video Example...........................Video Example
Replay Example: Azazel
..................Replay Example: Azazel..................Replay Example: Mack

Armada/ 360 Hook Kick..............Roundhouse Kick............................ Jump Kick
Video Example...........................Video Example...........................Video Example
Replay Example: DrunkMonk.....Replay Example: Azazel..............Replay Example: Matarika

HeadSpin Kick................................Hook Kick..........................................Crescent Kick...............................
Video Example.....................................Video Example....................................Video Example
Replay Example: N/A..................................Replay Example:Matarika..................Replay Example: Matarika

Aerial Kicks

Tsunami/180 Hook kick..............Flying Double Side Kick................Flying Double Push Kick
Video Example.....................................Video Example....................................Video Example

540 Kick.............................................Jumping 360 Crescent Kick........Jumping 360 Hook Kick
Video Example.....................................Video Example....................................Video Example
Replay N/A...............................Replay Example: Matarika..........Replay Example: Matarika.....

Guyver Kick.......................................360 Kick/Tornado Kick
Video Example.....................................Video Example....................................
Replay Example: Matarika.....

Hand/Arm Strikes

Jab/Crosses...............................Chinese Boxing...............................Upper Cuts
Video Example.................................Video Example................................Video Example

Elbow Strike...............................Spinning Elbow Strike.................Tornado Backhand
Video Example.................................Video Example................................Video Example

Superman Punch......................Hook punches...............................
Video Example.................................Video Example................................


Salto Xango/Back HandSpring
Video Example
Replay Example: DrunkMonk

Special Moves

Tai Chi: Part The Horses Maine
Video Example
Replay Example: DrunkMonk

MAS & Sparring Styles
Mix two for a more detailed Style e.g. Defensive Striker, Aggressive Aerialist..

Striker - Fighter’s strength is Offensive
A. Boxer - Focus in Punches
B. Kicker - Focus in Kicks (TKD)
Replay Example: N/A

Defensive - Fighter’s strength is defensive moves
A. Evader - Moves away from Attacks
B. Tank - Blocking Attacks
Replay Example: N/A

Aggressive - Fighter’s strength is overwhelming offensive
A. Speed Aggression - Overwhelming with Amount of Strikes
B. Power Aggression - Overwhelming with Power of strikes
Replay Example: N/A

Aerialist - Fighter’s strength is Aerial spin related moves
A. Aerial Spinner - High intensity Aerial moves
B. Aerial Floater- Low intensity Aerial moves
Replay Example: N/A

Wrestler - Fighter’s strength is related to grappling and manipulation
A. Ground Fighter - Fighter is strongest when taking the fight low
B. Manipulator- Fighter is strongest when grabbing, holding, locking, and grappling
Replay Example: N/A

Sparring Lesson Videos


Sparring Terms


Last edited by matarika; Jun 13, 2019 at 12:01 AM.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
I might be hosting an event in the future.
I need people to make moves such as kicks and punches.

Check win clan board for more details

GL with the org!

<font face=&quot>https://imgur.com/iq1bSjp</font>
Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
Good job, Matarika.
And good luck with the org, i already want to see it gettin' bigger.
Last edited by T0n0mi; Jun 4, 2019 at 01:04 PM.
It took me ten years to find the answer to something, and I forgot about it in two seconds
Added them
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297