Weekend Bash
Don't wanna ruin this party, but announcing a new rate won't magically change the market.

Manipulation of market only works when the demand outweighs the supply or the supply is highly limited, whereas in Toribash the supply is much greater and easily produced due to unlimited access to TC boosters and various event prizes.
There is a reason why standard 20k/$ rate has settled for so long, it's because that's the point where TC boosters actually start somewhat losing their value even when maxed out.

What you might wanna do instead is voice sellers' concerns to staff and attempt to put an end to this inflation, as that could actually be productive. As far as I've seen there's only me and Insanity who actively try to discuss these things with sir and other higher-ups, but of course lack of outcry makes these issues easy to sweep under the carpet.
Just to be clear, I'm not attacking or discounting this organization. If anything, I am very happy about sellers finally stepping up. Just that the approach of OP is rather inactive and most likely won't make a change that we desire
Last edited by Smaguris; Aug 30, 2019 at 02:43 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
thank you all for your support, and thank you smaguris for your thoughtful post. i will attempt to address your concerns.

Originally Posted by Smaguris View Post
Don't wanna ruin this party, but announcing a new rate won't magically change the market.

Manipulation of market only works when the demand outweighs the supply or the supply is highly limited, whereas in Toribash the supply is much greater and easily produced due to unlimited access to TC boosters and various event prizes.

if we take your premises to be prima facie valid, then this conclusion (that we do not have the power to manipulate the market) is absolutely correct. but i think you're making a big assumption here with which i do not agree. TC is not a good, but is itself a currency, and, as i will argue later, a service.
There is a reason why standard 20k/$ rate has settled for so long, it's because that's the point where TC boosters actually start somewhat losing their value even when maxed out.

this, too, makes a few untenable assumptions. in my view (correct me if i'm wrong), there are two possible reasons that boosters would affect the exchange rate between USD and TC:
  1. there are multiple people purchasing boosters for the sake of farming TC for profit and competing for a limited number of tc buyers.
  2. buyers interested in purchasing tc would instead buy a booster if the price was less than 20k/USD.
the exchange market is so small that we can know from observation that (1) is simply not the case. there is exactly one user who does that (Prince), and his price was certainly not set by any kind of free-market competition with anyone else; he simply wanted to sell a lot of credits quickly that he had obtained cheaply and set a low price for that reason. not only is it economically possible for Prince to sell at a lower rate, it would be in the best interest of both parties (i.e. Prince and CVS).

w/r/t scenario (2), i would posit that the exchange of TC for USD is also a sale of labor or service. it requires work, in some sense, to acquire and accumulate tc, excluding the obvious example of booster botting a la Prince. it is unreasonable to expect that people buying tc would rather buy a booster to farm than pay more for TC simply because, in my eyes, potential buyers are motivated by wanting the trappings of having TC without the grind.

furthermore, i’d add that the exchange settled on 20k because it’s a round, easy-to-calculate number. laziness set the price, not competition. if you remember, the price of TC was settled at 10k for years because it was even easier to calculate.
What you might wanna do instead is voice sellers' concerns to staff and attempt to put an end to this inflation, as that could actually be productive. As far as I've seen there's only me and Insanity who actively try to discuss these things with sir and other higher-ups, but of course lack of outcry makes these issues easy to sweep under the carpet.

i'd like to ask you to expand on your point here. i'm frankly not sure what staff could do that could materially affect the exchange rate of USD for TC. Nabi is not even making an attempt to compete with us--TC from the shop is still effectively at least an order of magnitude more expensive than buying TC from verified sellers, even at the prescribed CVS price.

if the implication is that staff coming up with ways to sink TC will magically affect the exchange rate, you are just wrong. it's an air-headed free-market capitalist belief in the invisible hand.

forgive me if i'm misrepresenting your view. i'd love to hear more about what staff could do to affect the price. from where i sit, though, it looks like it begins and ends with nothing.

that said, i would also argue that inflation is a non-issue in this particular market and that, even if inflation were to happen, there is no good reason it should affect the exchange price between TC and USD. I can expand on this more if you have questions.

Just to be clear, I'm not attacking or discounting this organization. If anything, I am very happy about sellers finally stepping up. Just that the approach of OP is rather inactive and most likely won't make a change that we desire

i would posit that pestering staff about this is a passive and misguided approach and that you have made no progress whatsoever.

TL; DR: the market is so small and concentrated that collective action (e.g. the creation of CVS) will undoubtedly be effective. there are no market forces and certainly no laws which will stop us or even seek to stop us. CVS will prevail!
Last edited by HiPower; Aug 30, 2019 at 05:26 PM.
pre-2016 called, they said they did it better and it still failed

gl tho, it'd be neat to see it work
Addicted-re 07-16

24/07/2019. I'll find you again my friend.

"I like to visualise icky in the astral realm fighting off the spambots (alien-robot hybrid species) singlehandedly and trying to scan their brains to find out which evil mastermind is sending them" ~ rola
Originally Posted by Icky View Post
pre-2016 called, they said they did it better and it still failed

gl tho, it'd be neat to see it work

Thank you where's my prize dude
Signed by PROVENZA