Original Post
[B]Logos for me UP TO 10k!!!!!
Well guys i am requesting a Logo!

You know damien walters his logo? I want something new and original for me for my parcour in reallife, my Name is Dennis Meszaros you might wanna use that, if you can do another logo in similiar style just with this name: Cobra

Colors arent important just make it original and nice and make someone think: Hey man this guy has a cool simple logo!

Also, if you have time feel free to pm me with some ideas you have or post WIPs then i tell you what i dont like / like ;)

Also paying up to 10k! Depends on how much i like it.
Right, so you want a simple sleek logo...

I need to know roughly what size you want, a basic colour scheme, and general idea of what you want on it.

I can understand 'use your imagination', but it doesn't help the artist when the person says 'I don't like it' after they finish. We need a general direction at least.
Feed the birds, tuppence a bag, tuppence tuppence tuppence a baaaggg
My Avvy/Sig shop
oh right, make size 1200x1200 color black and make it a bit tribal like or just watch damien walters logo
Last edited by Cobra; Sep 20, 2012 at 08:58 PM.
made it simple because if you make it to complicated it would cost more if you were to print it onto cloths and such



(Look for me in the art/textures forum) My Store (if closed pm me an offer)
Wow jano and aoc nice jobs! But i kinda dont realy like it,
Aoc your picture is kinda too blue, i like the text though if you could make it simply Black i would think about buying yours aswell just with some tc like 3-5k
Jano your picture is cool with the tribal but its too much tribal! I want only to be the
names on tribal like in damien walters logo, but great idea with thinking on printing on cloths because i might just do it some time!

Guys this is damien walters logo:

Try to make the style kinda like that! Just only BLACK and maybe also inversed if you can, not to mention make it a bit tribal like in damien walters logo
And also dont forgett:
Add "Cobra"
And then do the picture again and do "Dennis Meszaros"
Nono Jano dont make tribal only the names as i said, you can make the names tribal and stuff but they dont look original enough, try to make something more creative and think of something no one has done as a logo before, dont forgett to make it also a bit tribal, the text tribal is nice but somehow add it into a logo or something, and dont forget dont make tribal only the text