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Phoenix Mod center.

Well,Basically,this is a place to request a mod from someone in the clan who know show to make them,so you don't have to work.
Of course,free of charge.
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New format of the mod center,I wait for three requests,finish them all,and clear them out.
Logo in the making! over half way done!
Currently CLOSED!if aelak or gugu can close it temporarily so I can work something more important.
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Application to requesting a mod:
Mod name:
Desc. of it:
Who you want to make it(most likely me):
__________________________________________________ _____________
Current requests
1.Coursebattle-Kylan97-No Progress
2.WindowDrop-Aelak-no Progress
3.ApprenticeCourse-Gugu-No Progress
(It is filled,will work on the first one when I'm ready and have a good ideal of how long it will take.)
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Don't be afraid to ask for something big!
Last edited by CharredLightning; Dec 10, 2009 at 06:35 AM.