Original Post
Idea For 3.0
Since Mr.Poptart revealed there will be customizable enviroments with non-static as well as static objects we could turn our server into the kick throne room. With a giant throne for emp and seats, tables + more objects. Or we could do it like the game of death and have a kick pagoda with member rooms on the bottom working up in rank until emp's room!
keep the suggestions coming ppls, when 3.0 is finally released i'll make some of your (good) mod suggestions! =D
Hal about we have a dojo. spectators and 2 people fighting. the spectators will be sitting on chairs and the 2 people will be fighting.
Chuck Norris is in fact the most deadliest weapon on this planet, But then there's EmpreamKick
Modifying enviros can be done ingame as seen in the trailer. Howbout a real dojo? With like swords and shit to use!!!
I would like Cage Fights, where Your in a box made from Instagib Sticks and you fight till the d.... well till the instagib kill.
The Secret of Epicness dies with me.
how about instead of squares and stuff like that make a block that can be made like a hill? like a slope?
I think you guys have forgotten the conecpt of CANNOT WALK#

But you could make a wrestling ring with a cage around it.