Original Post
(WFF) War For Fame
Welcome on War For Fame (WFF) clan board !



War For Fame, war for glory, war for victory. That's it.
We are up for fights, clan wars, nobody can beat us
We are fighters, we are warriors, we have unhuman power MUEHEHE.
We need your blood to live, like vampirs but we're not vampirs :P


1. No rage kids, flame kids, invade kids, silly kids etc. etc.
2. Leader is TurDE, and he have right always.
3. War manages and clan leaders are the only ones who can manage our wars.
4. You should be communicative.
5. Just have to be brave.


Your age 16+:
Belt 2nd+:
How often do You play Toribash:
Why You want to join us:
1 replay multi game:
1 replay single game:

Last edited by Turde; Jun 2, 2014 at 07:38 PM.
Haha, nice banners turde, google was your friend?

Well, good luck with this, maybe you should try to get members ;) (such tip)
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

Ye I know nice banners, google ye, where is a problem ?...
Taking members, be easy. Thanks for wished me good luck