Shadow is one with dq and I finally realized it at the end.
Info about the replay is on name.
Rolandman you're not even in OMRO. This is for replays that OMRO people make.
Hacks, pretty good.
The opener was a bit stiff in your legs but okay, you could've loosened them up a bit but I get that it was for positioning.
The first hit was pretty sweet since it got uke moving pretty fast. I like the way how you transitioned pretty quickly into the backkick and how it clean it was.
The comeback was awesome, looked really cool, the pushes were just like wow awesome i love you.
The kick was aimed like perfectly, but timing was off. You totally could've gotten a 3 hit boom. The elbow hit and the absolute lack of a pose were okay i guess. The elbow hit was cool, totally should've gotten the other one when you extended your leg for the lack of pose.
I'm a pussy and I need to hack replays and take forever on them to make them look good.
flow was nice and juggling was pretty stellar. wish that the head hitting his body really did something but whatever
Hi Thrandir
Barbecued snags- Opener was one of the most used openers for manips that I have ever seen :c, well at least the pushing motion you used was.
The run was pretty awkward and the little punches you did were ineffectual but at the very least kept the replay from becoming too boring.
The little grab was ok becuase it was pretty well disguised, I hardly noticed it.
The kick for the boom was really nicely placed and it had a nice dm spread.
The next kick could have been so much cleaner, after editing the replay once I got the same amount of dms but with less damage then you got, all by contracting my ankles.
selfdamage boom was just really cool, the selfdamage decap was meh, I wich it would have been more interesting
you twitched into the pose and the pose was meh