Original Post
Head Kick, But Missing.
Yea, i have made this head kick but i seem to be missing the kick to the head. my toribash brain and physics capability are not working.
Heres le move.
1.Hold All
Extend Both Pecs
Raise Right Shoulder
Left Rotate Chest
Left Bend Lumbar
Contract Right Hip
Extend Left Hip
Contract Both Knees
Extend Both Ankles
2.Space X2
3.Extend Right Knee

Is there any way to jump higher by modifing one of the moves? so i could kick higher to hit the head?
yea ty 4 reading and i hope someone solves this.
Last edited by Jacobn617; Aug 9, 2011 at 02:30 PM.
Yea im doing that now ty for le notice

EDIT: It says cant upload my rpl. dont know why.
Last edited by Jacobn617; Aug 9, 2011 at 02:31 PM. Reason: EDIT:lol cant do it
1. Save the move as a replay.
2. Find the replay you made in C:/.../Toribash/replay, which is by right-clicking the link and clicking on Open File Folder.
3. Upload the file on a site, there are tons, but find one.
4. The site will give you a link, use that link in your post by clicking on Insert Link over text.
For example, if you want the text, "Click Here", for my link,, I select the text over Click Here and click on the Insert Link.
5. That's it. Click Here For The Example