Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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A tb story (kind of)
I've be doing a fan fiction for a different site and so I feel as if I should show you guys. Hey you might even see yourself in it. As for now it's chapter one and all it's parts but part 4. The I write it is a bit werid but hey it's not like I care. Rght now I'm almost done with chapter 4 on the other site.

Chapter One, Part One

As the days grew shorter, Jab, had to leave his lovely lake front him because the lake was starting to freeze over. "Jab! Jab!" A bird flew down from the sky and it has headed right for Jab. "What do you want Buya? You know it's time for me to go to my winter home." Jab told the golden eagle as he walked down a road leading to another place in the forest. "A fight... a grand fight..." Buya was out of breath and was having a hard time talking but he got it out. "You know I don't want to fight... what's the prize and how will it work?" Jab restarted back down the road and Buya began to fly next to him "Well every one will be there. All skill levels in a judo brawl. You have to start in a group of four and if one person loses from the group then the group is out. There are for prizes starting at 1 million to one fourth of that.... Ummm..." Buya had this look on his face that said I need to ask you something but I don't know how. "What is it?" Jab asked. "Well the groups can't be made out of clam members that are in the same clan so I wanted to know if you..." Buya hit a tree as he was talking. "You ok? That looked like it hurt." "No, I'm fine. I think I'll live." Buya said while rubbing his noes and started off again with Jab right in front of him. “Ok where was I? Oh right I'd like the enter the fight but... umm...” “You want me to help you out right?” Buya nods his head and the two stop. Jab grows a sly look on his face and it seemed like he had an idea cooking up. “Get Gamer and Andrew, we will do this thing.” Buya had a happy face on him while he said he had already told Andrew to get Gamer. “So what I'm last? What am I, nothing?” Jab was starting to get mad but stopped when he heard a noise come from the bushes and a low voice that sounded like it said move out.

Chapter One Part Two

Gamer was deep within the forest when he saw, what he thought to be a weak fighter. He dropped down from his tree home and tried a blind side attack on what ever it was, but he failed. The fighter had turned around and kicked him then got in a judo stance. “Oops sorry Lazer. I thought you were someone else.” His fail attack was aimed at Lazer, a salamander that was new to the forest. “Hey no sweat, I thought I heard you coming.” Lazer started his sly smile and Gamer had a pissed off look cause he was way better then most in the forest and this cocky punk just owned him. “Well, Gamer, it's lucky I found you. You have heard of the Grand Fight right?” “Yeah but after I heard that you can't team up with clan mates I didn't want in.” Lazer gave a sigh and looked back a Gamer right in the eyes. “What about the four of us team up? You, Buya, Jab, and I?” Gamer thought of a minute then look out passed Lazer. “Umm... Andrew we got to deal with them.” Lazer look around and saw a pack of wolfs ready to eat them alive. “But yeah I'm in... Think you can take seven wolfs with alittle help?”

Chapter One Part Three

Buya flew around the great tree. His scarf waved in the wind as he began his landing. “Did you hear? The Grand Fight will be starting in five days time. Sigh up now before it's too late. The Grand prize is one million credits. Just look in that area of the Great Tree for more information.” A small hedgehog was speaking to everyone and Buya walks into the Great Tree and heads where he pointed. “Buya, it's been some time.” A salamander walked up to him. “Oh hi Lazer. You joining this?” Lazer nodded but looked sad. “You need a group of four to enter.” “So get some people from your clan, Andrew.” Lazer sighed and then started again. “One you can't have people from your own clan join and two I left clan Scream remember? I had go for a month or so. I don't want to go back and make it look like I was never gone.” The two of them tried to think of what to do. At the same time they both said the same thing. “Jab and Gamer!” “If you get Gamer I'll go ask Jab deal? You know where he is right?” Buya asked. “Yeah.. he's in the eVo training area right?” Buya nodded and ran out of the tree hitting a bear on his way, but he kept running as fast as he could. As soon as he was out he took flight, even though it was cold out, and headed for the lake. The last thing he could see was a pack of wolves headed into eVo's part of the forest. “Hm must be part of Hunters...” (This happenes before parts one and two)
Last edited by kjhg53; Mar 30, 2009 at 09:28 AM.
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cool. so what do you make these stories for again? i didn't quite understand what u said before and any chance the wolfs represent me because my tori dude is a wolf or is that just coincidence?
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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rofl that story made me laugh. Curious question though, if i can fly why would I run?
ima crusin for a bruisn
Masterj05h those wolfs arn't you but you're in it wait till chapter 4 part 3 and I write it cause i have nothing better to do and I post it here http://www.criousgamer.com/forum/index.php
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Originally Posted by buyakia View Post
rofl that story made me laugh. Curious question though, if i can fly why would I run?

running start and it's not done XD
SFST Sub Leader and now the SFST Shop keeper.
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have u completed all of this but ur just copying and pasting it here? if so please give me the link to the entire story
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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Chapter One Part 4 Section One

Lazer stood as Gamer jumped into a tree. One of the wolves rushed up and was about to claw Lazer when he dropped down, kicked him back, did a hand stand, and when it rushed him again he did a sweep kick. The wolf ran away from the fight but two more ran up. Another one was trying to get Gamer, while he was charging up his powers. It would take some time till he was done, thought Lazer. Lazer rushed the two wolves and smashed there faces in. He charged up some electric discharge and punched one of them. The other got right in his face and clawed at his chest. Lazer grabbed his head and snapped his neck. “You done yet?” Lazer asked Gamer, “There are already down.” “Hold up, give me like a minute or two.” Lazer looked back and saw one more running up to him. Lazer grabbed his arm and sidled around and turned and broke his arm, all in one movement. “OK who sent you?” Lazer demeaned. “Hunters wants to take out some of the better fighters so we can win the Grand Fight.” The wolf laughed. “But you can't make teams out of the same clam members.” Lazer said. “We are working with three other clans. So each clan will get some of the prize credits.” Lazer slashed him with his tail and walked off.

Chapter One Part Four Section Two

As he walked away, Lazer saw the wolf trying to get Gamer catch on fire. Gamer jumped down and ran at another one. His arm was on fire, but kept running. As Gamer smashed his fist into the wolf, Lazer could see two thing happening in slow motion. First he saw the blood of the wolf drip down on to the ground as the wolf fell to the ground. Second one was that last wolf running up about to kill Gamer. Before Lazer could do a thing, Gamer was a the ground, but alive. “You.... you... you shouldn't have done that...” “Who's going to stop me?” Around Lazer, discharge was forming and slowly his skin turned to a pale yellow. The wolf started a combo attack on Lazer. There was three punches, a kick, and a bite at him, all which didn't faze Lazer. Lazer graded his arm and broke it. “C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!” Then Lazer flipped the wolf on to his back and then smashed him in the chest with his right leg. Lazer did a back flip as the wolf got up. A big blast of discharge and the wolf was down, fried as a crisp. Not having any feelings, Lazer, ran back up to the wolf picked him up, smashed him on his knee, and the batted him away with his tail. Soon Lazer went back to his normal skin tone and ran over to Gamer. “Come on wake up.” Nothing could get Gamer up so Lazer took him to the Great Tree.
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if he want's me to also Masterj05h want's me to post the boi's I have done up for the people in the story:

Name: Jabulon or Jab

Species: Frog

Physical Description: About a 6 foot frog. Has green skin with blue green dots on him. His eyes are about as big as a pizza and are green. He is about 28.

Abilities: Can move water as he wishes. Can fight in the way of "judo".

Strengths: Can swim as fast as Sonic can run. And is a powerful judo fighter.

Weaknesses: Once on land he is ver slow. Can't move water if on land.

Equipment: A wrist strap that lets him move water.

Personality: He likes to meet new people but is very strong and will hurt those who attack his friends. He also trys to make people see his way. If they don't he will try to do anything to make them see his way. He is also very loving at times when someone is hurt.

Friends: Gamer the Monkey (and rival), Buya the Golden Eagle, and Andrew the Salamnder (also Jab's rival and is also called Lazer)

Background Story: As a young frog Jab love to fight but he soon meet a golden eagle. This golden eagle, Buya, askes Jab because he is a good fight if he wants to join an elite fighting group that protects the lake. The lake was the biggest in the forest. One of these attacks was by a group of monkeies that didn't like frogs. The frogs (all that lived in the lake) began to go to war with the monkeies. The war lasted 8 years untill one day Jab and talked to the leader of the monkeies. His name was Gamer and Gamer siad that if Jab could beat him in a fight then they would leave and Jab would get something. The two fought till both were on the ground, they fought in three different places: the land, in the trees, and in the lake. Jab had beat Gamer and got a wrist strap that let him move water at will. But this slowed him on land, but Gamer true to his word left the lake alone but would always come back to talk or fight Jab. The group of fighters had to disband and went their own way. Buya had made a new group of fighters that would protect the lake but Jab never joined. Soon Jab got bored with every one untill one person showed up at the lake. He was weak when they first fought but soon he became strong and became another rival of Jab's. His name is Andrew, or Lazer, the Salamander...
Name: Buya

Species: Golden Eagle

Physical Description: 6 foot and 2 inch tall brown and patches of gold color feathers. His wing span is 8 feet and his claws and beck are yellow and very sharp. He has a old hat that is made of straw and a red scarf around his neck. He is about 17.

Abilities: Can fly, attack with beack and nails, and blow people away

Strengths: Fast flyer, has strong attacks, and very smart.

Weaknesses: Not a great walker at times and his wind based attacks only go so far.

Equipment: Old hat and a scarf.

Personality: Fast to fight and fast to hate. Loves strong people and hates people who are not "pro".

Friends: All in his "clan" or team which is called SFST. Jab, Gamer the Monkey, and Lazer the Salamander

Background Story: He flew the skys for many years, no one ever being about to beat him. This gave him the chance to join an elite group of fighters. He had one day came across a frog that beat him ever time they battled. The frog, named Jab, was asked to join the group. So they would help animals in need, untill one day a group of monkeies began to attack the lake. Buya battled his best and, having an upper-hand on the monkeies from the air, beat a good lot of them. 8 long years he tested his skills till the day Jab beat Gamer, the leader of the monkeies. The group of fighter had lost the leader in the fighting and so the group of elite fighters disband. Buya wanted to make a new group of fighters and so made a group called SFST of some of the great fighters, though Jab never did want to join. Buya was always told it was because he learned that he , Jab, should not use his powers unless he should. Still Gamer and him still battled but it was like nothing like the day he meat Andrew the Salamander a.k.a. Lazer...
Name: Gamer

Species: Monkey

Physical Description: Brown/ Black fur with a pale face. He standes about 5 foot 1 inch. Very large hands with red markings and scars cover parts of his body from all of his fights. He's about 28.

Abilities: Fire balls can shoot out of his hands from the read markings and is also a master of judo fighting.

Strengths: Fire and has one powerful punch.

Weaknesses: Water will but out his fire and has no leg power.

Personality: Thinks he's all that. I ths sence he's like Buya but loves bananas

Friends:Jab the Frog (and rival), Buya the Golden Eagle, and Andrew the Salamnder (is also called Lazer)

Background Story: A long time ago in a forest not to far from here Gamer ruled the trees. He could not be stopped, he'd kick animaks out of their homes and take their food. He made a gang called eVo, which later becomes a clan. Well he thought he should rule the lake one day so he and his gang started to attack all of the lake animals. A war broke out and so for eight years he fought until one day Jab beat him in a little duel. Gamer had to give up one of his prizes that he got from all of his raids. He lead his gang to good and soon they became a well known clan. He had be going through a stone thing (it looked like a stone flame) and touched a blue flame. His hands began to burn and red marks appered. Now when ever he wants he can shoot flames from his hands. He would go back to the lake a few times but then Lazer and the grand fight came...
Name: Andrew aka Lazer

Species: Salamander

Physical Description: 6 foot tall and a very pale green and redish skin. His tail is about 2 feet and he has claws that are about 2 inches long. his calfs are bigger then most salamanders and he walks on two feet.

Abilities: Can discharge electric attacks in different ways and can fight in the way of judo. Has a super forum but not much know about it. He can teleport short distances.

Strengths: Electic attacks, judo fighting, and very fast.

Weaknesses: Can't unlock super form unless in a storm or untill he combines with "the orb"

Equipment: An orb thatcontorls electric movement and is the key to his super form. A backpack to hold this orb in.

Personality: He almost will never say a word but he is very cocky.

Friends: Gamer the Monkey, Buya the Golden Eagle, Jabulon the Frog

Background Story: Andrew was born in a judo temple and the monks showed him strong moves that could beat most animals in the forest below. Soon though times became hard for the temple and so the monks need to get rid of one of the kids. They took Andrew in to a room and brought out an orb. One of the monks used it and it blasted Andrew with a discharge of static ,but he absorbed the attack and blasted it back at them. He had gotten so mad that he unleashed his true power and flew outside of the temple and started to blast it with bolts of electricity. After he was done all that was left was the orb and a backpack that it was stored in. After this point Andrew went to the forest to find someone to help him control his power. One day while he was being stupid he asked if he could join a clan called Scream. They said yes and so he trained harder to become strong like the other members. He became to know Jab, Gamer, and Buya through all of this but one day after becomeing a highly ranked person in his clan the orb talked to him. It told him to leave the clan, the forest, and his friends and find the way to unlock his true power at will. So he did and went back to the temple where he saw a sprit of one of the monks. The monk told him he needed to talk to the hero of the elements to fuse the orb with his body. After a 15 day long hike without food and little water he found the element hero and had him fuse the orb wiht himself. And after another 10 days of hard training Andrew left with his new abilities (the ones he has now) to and went back to his new home where his real story begins.
Name: Masterj05h

Species: Wolf

Physical Description: 5feet and 7 inches tall with a gray fur. Lagre upper body and huge caws. He has a scar on his left eye and is missing a tooth.

Abilities: Can fight in the way of judo and wushu.

Strengths: Very powerful punches and is great at climbing.

Weaknesses: Slow and weak kicks.

Equipment: motion trails (not very useful)

Personality: Wants to be all that and thinks he's better then everyone. Wants his clan mates to treat him better but also treats them poorly.

Friends: Everyone in SFST and Andrew

Background Story: He was walking around the back forest when a salamander and golden eagle walked through. He wanted the golden eagle to join his clan be he wouldn't. Days had pasted and the golden eagle asked him to join his clan. Masterj05h soon became active in SFST but about 2 hours into being in the clan the salamnder walked up to him and questioned him about being in the clan. Being cocky he said the clan joined him and this started a bit of a war between kjhg53, who was the slamander, and Masterj05h. While kjhg53 was working on a vidoe for the clan, Masterj05h asked him about on of his firends, Andrew. Though at this time Andrew was on a personal quest kjhg53 let him speck to him. The two go to know each other some what and Masterj05h loved his work, Andrew was the one who was doing the video.
Last edited by kjhg53; Dec 26, 2008 at 06:33 AM.
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