Original Post
i need a good partner
must be a blue belt or higher must be in a clan but unoffical are ok must have rank 80 or less and can help me with my clan wich is bumed up
Re: i need a good partner
Originally Posted by Macka_Dude
must be a blue belt or higher must be in a clan but unoffical are ok must have rank 80 or less and can help me with my clan wich is bumed up


those requirements are a little too picky, most people with that rank have better things to do
Re: i need a good partner
Yeah I fit all those requirements except for 2. I'm not under rank 80, and I honestly don't care about your clan. I am working on Javagamer's and mine
All knowing
Re: i need a good partner
Originally Posted by Macka_Dude
must have rank 80 or Higher...

Sorry, being anal today...
it's early and I didn't get much sleep.
Re: i need a good partner
yeah, except like I said, I honestly don't care about your dead clan when I can worry about mine. Sorry
All knowing
Re: i need a good partner
Originally Posted by Macka_Dude
you dot need help wit my clan you just need to help me make moves and sijs

if moves is really all you need, play multi player alot, and experiment. if you have the registered version, then you should save your good matches. if you find an open that is a good counter to common attacks, that stick with that. really, lerneing how to do a cool decap in single player is wprthless because you wont be able to apply that in multi player. the only way single player will help is to help get a better idea of how to dismember in multiplayer, and of the physics used. also if you want tutorials, or if you forget how one of your moves went use this: