Original Post
[R] Robotic Set for 150k!!!! [R]
I am looking for someone who can make actual robotic steel sets. I would like one to look like either Taroni, Swiftone1, or Templar's set (Dl and lp them in game) I want it HQ not 512 (EVEN BETTER) I will pay 150k or more ;).
Colors: Steel/Dark Grey/Black
Maybe some whites on there
Red and blue (Your choice or either make it half and half)
Make some parts "glowy" to make them look like lights.
I would like this shit to look awesome as FUCK.
I need really skilled artists ;)
Show me some WIPs K go.
I am just an icon livin'
i could try im not that good but what could go wrong =P ill have it by summer
l l Fuck Aurarian l l
Well I wouldn't sell this for 150k but maybe would could work something out like toss in items i dunno just tell me if you like it and we can work from there I guess lol

Pm me if you like or not
|Jacklox2| |Frost| |MrBeany| |Nugget| |Sheetboy| xFIRExGAME |