Hey Victor, im pretty new to using the forums im starting to use it alot more than what i did, i dont really post that much but i look around and see whats up
Originally Posted by Toby1000 View Post
it would be nice to play with you guys and help the clan rise and stuff

Rising is for who isnt on the top.
We are on the top, thus, we can't rise.

also I'm ok with Ruins getting in (if that's possible)
Originally Posted by Colossus View Post
Rising is for who isnt on the top.
We are on the top, thus, we can't rise.

Haha true.
Originally Posted by Toby1000 View Post
Hey Victor, im pretty new to using the forums im starting to use it alot more than what i did, i dont really post that much but i look around and see whats up

I see, I'll be neutral, post on pre-evo, it'll make us remember that u've applied

Originally Posted by Ruins View Post
Thanks Victor4554, loved talking with you

Originally Posted by Colossus View Post
Rising is for who isnt on the top.
We are on the top, thus, we can't rise.

also I'm ok with Ruins getting in (if that's possible)

Indeed, well, let's see how far he can rise
Application for eVo
Hello evo members.My name is Alex I'm 13 read along and enjoy.
A little story
Before I was on my new account candyblunt I had another named hatersins Victor and I somewhat close.I met him in a server and then thought he was a pretty solid and cool guy. Then he was talking to someone about apping to evo. That's when I started to get more into sparring.I was going to develop my skills before I was going to app and now I think I am ready.I don't really want to join evo just for sparring I want a group of people who understand me and actually get along with me.
Former clans.
Nitro Thol TFR Crooks and Dukel

Why eVo?
I want to join evo because the members aren't like any other players in toribash each of them are unique in there own way.And so am I.I take alot of pride in whatever I do and if I get the chance to join eVo I swear I will always give you 110% all day everyday no matter what.
I don't have any replays because I've recently reset my computer but I will get my sparring partner eiky to give u some of my spars.
What can I bring to eVo
You guys will never get tired of me I have an amazing sense of humor and ingame wise I have amazing abd skills I promise i will never be a peasant.
I'm always active on the forum to keep up with everyone and everything else.
I really hope my application meets the standards of eVo and I'll see u later bye.
hey T0RI0BABY can i clear up what happened with the free skins?
my account had gotten hacked and i guess posted that skin to sell
they also changed the skin im currently wearing
as soon as i found out that i got hacked people said i was the guy selling free sets
after looking through the forums i found the one made by "me" and shut it down
i hope this doesnt hurt my application to eVo and i hope youll let me make a new application if needed
sorry for what happened before

Dont Look In Here

Originally Posted by Toby1000
Hello, you may have seen i applied for eVo about a week ago, i didnt realise you guys werent as active as i thought, i mean i would love to be friends with you guys, just if i did get accepted can you maybe delete my app from the recruitment or deny me? im sorry if i let you down some how but i just dont really want to represent a "inactive" clan its not that ur completely inactive its just im looking to join a more active clan sorry again if i let you down thank you!

so yeah, dropouts.