Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Round Things
Here's how this one works. I was sitting at home, looking at Zaarock's stuff, when I realized...

"Heads are round!"

This may not make sense to you, but it's quite simple, really. If heads are already round, why is everyone else trying to make things round to fit on the head? Nay, find a round thing to fit on the head instead. No warping, always comes out perfect.

I found some round things, and I'll be giving them away. Yes, giving. I've decided that credits are fun, but they're not everything.

Now as a background...

These 4 heads are all planetary bodies, and one universal observation. Enceladus, Europa, and Iapetus are all moons, Eurpoa being Jupiter's, Enceladus and Iapetus being Saturn's. The cosmic microwave background radiation is a study of all the interference waves emitting from various sources in the universe.
Attached Files
enceladus.tga (48.0 KB, 33 views)
europa.tga (48.0 KB, 28 views)
iapetus.tga (48.0 KB, 23 views)
Re: Round Things
You are insane

i like it!

Suggestions: Eyeballs, marbles, celestial bodies, fruit (ie, oranges, grapes, watermellons, lemons, bananas, apples, etc), peas, armadillos...

you know, we dont have many naturally forming round things...
<( O )>
Re: Round Things
And there are still many more...

These are my favorite 4. Contrast is perfect.

Io is Jupiter's most well known moon, often speculated to be a possible body to colonize, though recent study has shown that Europa is sooo much better. Jupiter is a planet, I hope you knew that. Venus is likewise a planet. This image, however, ignores Venus' cloudy shell and shows you what the planet itself looks like, and Rhea is yet another of Saturn's moons.
Attached Files
io.tga (48.0 KB, 22 views)
jupiter.tga (48.0 KB, 19 views)
venus.tga (48.0 KB, 18 views)
rhea.tga (48.0 KB, 18 views)
Re: Round Things
Originally Posted by Cevius
You are insane

i like it!

Agreed! ManBreakfast is insane, but insane in a good way ... or so ...
Re: Round Things
Oh damn, you beat me by 7 seconds! and as cevius said, fruits are the next thing to do :P

edit: oh looky, no1 hasent even downloaded any yet
Re: Round Things
and even more....

Now, these 4 I had problems with, due to either lack of workable info, or lack of contrast. Some will have black space, and Mercury was actually only half there, hence the lines where everything doesn't flow smoothly.

Dione is yet another of Saturn's moons (no I don't have an obsession), Mercury is another planet, Mimas is one of Saturn's moons, and so is Tethys.

All in all, 12 space-thing heads.
Attached Files
dione.tga (48.0 KB, 16 views)
mercury.tga (48.0 KB, 16 views)
mimas.tga (48.0 KB, 13 views)
tethys.tga (48.0 KB, 13 views)
Re: Round Things
Oh yeah, and this one is what I started the whole "round things" idea with.

Although it completely pales in comparison, but it's about as done as it can get.
Attached Files
beachball.tga (48.0 KB, 24 views)
Re: Round Things
Haha! i've had a great ides: Golfballs! That would be awesome ^^ Also, Tennisballs! (attached :P)

Edit: Added a 8ball to! Sorry Manbreakfast, for taking over. but it looked like fun ^^

Should these not be added to free textures thread thing?
Attached Files
Free--TennisBall.tga (48.0 KB, 13 views)
Free--8Ball.tga (48.0 KB, 19 views)
Re: Round Things
No. You see, the "free head textures' thread is kinda different. That's where a bunch of people dump whatever heads they make. This thread is for me to put things. If I make a head, it goes here. Anyone can use that head. If you want to see something, you can do it yourself and put it here, or tell me to try it and I'll put whatever I come up with here.
Re: Round Things
Originally Posted by Cevius
You are insane

i like it!

Suggestions: Eyeballs, marbles, celestial bodies, fruit (ie, oranges, grapes, watermellons, lemons, bananas, apples, etc), peas, armadillos...

you know, we dont have many naturally forming round things...

i was just thinking, it would be kinda tough to do a banana, unless you just had a picture of a banana with blank around it...

and to go along with the theme ive been trying to think of characters from various places that have round heads like vebs head the pringles guy, or the jack in the box guy, i think those would be cool too
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes, then, by the time you criticize him, you'll be a mile away, and you'll have his shoes