Swaves will forever be remembered as one of the best, if not, the best competitive player this game has ever seen, glad he managed to break the record before he got banned, he deserved it more than anyone else.
Originally Posted by piss View Post
I simply don’t understand why each part of the community can’t coexist without heinous slander being thrown about like feces inside a monkey exhibit. Obviously, I cannot speak for all players and their respective communities, but I, for one, hold no grudges with any duelers, nor do I have any problems with dueling, outside of scamming. In defense of duelers, every community has their own special group of intolerable people, as with any group created ever, not just a trademark for duelers.

However, I think it’s ludicrous to first claim your community is oppressed simply because of a couple hooligans, which, to be fair, it kind of is, but then proceed to make generalizations about every other community, which in retrospect, could have been on purpose, but what I say reigns true regardless.

No, no one is opressed, but there is a very big narritive that’s not particularly in good faith. Honestly, the best players rn are kind of in a bad light imo just because they might be a little shitty sometimes

The intentions are good, but I also don’t think things are super true

Like, “fuck em because they’re mean to everyone”. Ok, but thay doesn't change anything about what they’ve accomplished.

Also, people don’t live in harmony. Duelers are competitive. They’re not going to hold hands and sing kumbaya
Atleast it feels that way
Last edited by Link; Jun 14, 2022 at 03:05 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
how do you people just come across these exploits im honestly concerned, like people really just lab out things in the systems and just find them randomly, goes to show you games have flaws
Originally Posted by Felnin View Post
the dude manage to get 20kk on swaves and then more 24,7kk on his alts, starting from scratch. Yet, what a high level staff like sir decides to do? Ban him. There's nothing, no where, saying that u couldn't add a bounty while banned. It's not explicit that doing that was considered a bug. If it's, it's THEIR fault, not Swaves business.

don't rly get where ur coming from here, just because an exploit hasn't been found yet doesn't make it not an exploit lol
there's a trade restriction placed on banned accounts for a reason, do u rly think because they forgot to check an insignificant mechanic it should be allowed to be exploited?

Originally Posted by Felnin View Post
Competitive players are the most active players this game will ever get.

the claim that "Competitive players are the most active players this game will ever get." is retarded and untrue lol
this game has a fraction of the players it had before everyone except the duelers and rly old spar guys moved on to other shit, and it seems like the old sparrers/casual players are the only ones actually still enjoying the game
at this point dueling just seems like going through the motions for the majority of duelers that still play

u have been around for long enough to know that ppl originally downloaded this game because they
looked up "ragdoll game"
saw markiplier/nerd cubed/whoever play twinswords or watch the oblivion selfspar and said "that looks awesome i wanna do that"
or they saw them playing something like 360all or jesuscopter or lolnade and said "that looks like fun i wanna do that"

nobody started playing this game because they saw someone sit in a duel server for 6 hours just to make 25 dollars (IN TORI CREDITS WHICH U STILL HAVE TO SELL LOL)
at this point why not just try the dumpster behind gamestop? u will probably make triple the profits with a quarter of the risk

Originally Posted by Felnin View Post
People put value into useless stuff like replay making

get a grip man lmfao nobody takes this game as serious as u do
this game is dogshit for competitive play and the fact u junkies play it for money is something that makes me smile every time i log in and see a duel server

but yea u tell everyone else how they play the game is inferior while ur life and marriage are in shambles because u can't stop chasing tori credits
Originally Posted by Felnin View Post
People put value into useless stuff, like replay making


Originally Posted by Felnin View Post
Competitive players are the most skilled players


Originally Posted by Felnin View Post
This game has been so twisted that even staff positions is now given by "recomendations" and sex criteria in order to make the game more "inclusive".

Pffft where did this even come from? Are you OK?
one of the most unhinged rants I've ever seen
Last edited by Shmevin; Jun 14, 2022 at 07:34 AM.
Originally Posted by Link View Post
No, no one is opressed, but there is a very big narritive that’s not particularly in good faith. Honestly, the best players rn are kind of in a bad light imo just because they might be a little shitty sometimes

The intentions are good, but I also don’t think things are super true

Like, “fuck em because they’re mean to everyone”. Ok, but thay doesn't change anything about what they’ve accomplished.

Also, people don’t live in harmony. Duelers are competitive. They’re not going to hold hands and sing kumbaya
Atleast it feels that way

There's no narrative. Try presenting changes to the current mods that would make them more competitive and have staff say "nah we're too scared to change anything because the duelers said mean words" or instead of thinking critically they go and add breakable grabs which made the mods even less competitive. Then you'll understand what I'm talking about.

We're actually really nice guys.

Originally Posted by Demon View Post

don't rly get where ur coming from here, just because an exploit hasn't been found yet doesn't make it not an exploit lol
there's a trade restriction placed on banned accounts for a reason, do u rly think because they forgot to check an insignificant mechanic it should be allowed to be exploited?

the claim that "Competitive players are the most active players this game will ever get." is retarded and untrue lol
this game has a fraction of the players it had before everyone except the duelers and rly old spar guys moved on to other shit, and it seems like the old sparrers/casual players are the only ones actually still enjoying the game
at this point dueling just seems like going through the motions for the majority of duelers that still play

u have been around for long enough to know that ppl originally downloaded this game because they
looked up "ragdoll game"
saw markiplier/nerd cubed/whoever play twinswords or watch the oblivion selfspar and said "that looks awesome i wanna do that"
or they saw them playing something like 360all or jesuscopter or lolnade and said "that looks like fun i wanna do that"

nobody started playing this game because they saw someone sit in a duel server for 6 hours just to make 25 dollars (IN TORI CREDITS WHICH U STILL HAVE TO SELL LOL)
at this point why not just try the dumpster behind gamestop? u will probably make triple the profits with a quarter of the risk

get a grip man lmfao nobody takes this game as serious as u do
this game is dogshit for competitive play and the fact u junkies play it for money is something that makes me smile every time i log in and see a duel server

but yea u tell everyone else how they play the game is inferior while ur life and marriage are in shambles because u can't stop chasing tori credits

Idk if you're being serious or not because no one has a bigger hate boner for Toribash staff than you do lol.

See this is the exact shit I'm talking about. This dude and the rest of u fuckin cornballs are the reason why staff doesn't even take what we say into consideration.

You can go fuck yourselves with your lolnade.tbm and torisex.tbm. This entire game is based around combat between two players Tori and Uke. Nearly everything is based on multiplayer. Belts, Qi, Market, customization, you name it.

Do you think a majority of the players stick around because you can do cool flips and hit a training dummy for 0 monetary gain? No. There's just as much incentive to play competitively as there is to do cool shit in singleplayer. (Clan League, Tournaments, TWC, etc.)

People come here from the wacky markiplier shit. They stay here for the multiplayer. Otherwise this game would be long dead.
Last edited by skizz; Jun 14, 2022 at 07:55 AM.
Make it count, play it straight, dont look back, dont hesitate
<[Sigma]phail> stop dueling new players for their whole inventory on alt accounts you asshole