Original Post
Hard stomp will get you disqualified
Sometimes when you hit the groud with your feet hard enough - you wil get disqualified.

Have that in both single and multyplayer.
version 3.02
mods: classic, default, sambo
Attached Files
When you hit hard to the ground with foot, your foot goes through the ground and the ankle hits the ground.
If your wrists and ankles are not safe from dq, then it's dq.
I suggest extending your ankles more often. I dont think this can be fixed(with code) without messing up the game. =/
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
If that's the case - it can be EASILY fixed, by just making the leg part below the knee not DQ'able.

'coz generaly, you will always have to touch the ground with your knee too, in order to touch it with the part between knee and feet.
This has happened to me ONCE before, in judo if I recall.
It should be more frequent in aikido and sambo, due to higher gravity.
凸[◣_◢]凸 PRAISE LID 凸[◣_◢]凸 FUCK THA HATERS 凸[◣_◢]凸 PUT THIS IN YO SIG IF U DOWN 凸[◣_◢]凸
There is wrists and ankles safe from dq thingy at least in judo, but I don't know how to put (yes!) to singleplayer D=<

/set sumo 1

Last I checked, that can only be done through /set.

Works in single player and multiplayer, but for the latter only if you're the server admin.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
thanx, suomynona, /set sumo 1 indeed works. but thats kinda non-user-friendly ;)

i have tried setting flag 10 (Flag 10 DQ = no, DM = yes, Frac = yes, Grip = yes) to certain bodyparts, but it doesnt seem to work:
body l_leg
flag 10

body r_leg
flag 10

body r_foot
flag 10

body l_foot
flag 10

joint r_ankle
flag 10

joint l_ankle
flag 10
Maybe its just the wrong flag ?
Last edited by c69; Nov 19, 2007 at 08:04 AM.