it happened ages ago, but I think its still nice(it doesnt contain the entire converstation just the important lines of it):
<GamerDaPro> fuck,
*** -VIPBot- Warning: You've triggered swearing protection, cussing is prohibited.
<GamerDaPro> upload it
<Noob> Litterally
<Noob> literally
<Noob> *
<&Nightin> i told you not to go for the pec
<GamerDaPro> fuck you vipbot Im a swearing faggot, deal with it
*** VIPBot kicked GamerDaPro from the channel: Bad word detected. (*FUCK*) :: [Tue Mar 8 20:36:35 2011] - Banned 0 minutes ·121·
*** GamerDaPro has joined #ormo
<&Nightin> fuck vipbot
<&Nightin> now you try it gamer
<GamerDaPro> ,,|,,
&Shook> VIPBot: fuck niggerdicks n shit yo
<Noob> Vip bot sucks cock
* GamerDaPro slaps VIPbot with a fag
<&Nightin> why would you slap him with a cigar?
<TengoMan> Motherfucking what ? a motherfucing VIPBOT appears !
<Noob> Nightin, I most likely have to extend my pec
<TengoMan> Inb4kick
<TengoMan> Ono ;)
*** Nightin kicked TengoMan from the channel: indurinkick
*** TengoMan has joined #ormo
<GamerDaPro> lol
<Noob> Because it will look more symetric
*** -VIPBot- Warning: You've triggered swearing protection, cussing is prohibited.
<Noob> I like my dms symetric
<GamerDaPro> FUCK YOU VIPbot
<GamerDaPro> lol
*** VIPBot kicked GamerDaPro from the channel: Bad word detected. (*FUCK*) :: [Tue Mar 8 20:40:09 2011] - Banned 0 minutes ·122·
*** #ormo No external channel messages (#ormo)
*** GamerDaPro has joined #ormo
<TengoMan> Lol a 0 min ban
<GamerDaPro> vipbot sux.
<GamerDaPro> yeah
*** Nightin sets mode -o VIPBot
<&Nightin> you're welcome
<&Shook> sushi-dick
<&Shook> uhh
<GamerDaPro> thanks.
<&Shook> yeah
<GamerDaPro> vipbot now cant fucking kick?
<Noob> Fuck
<&Nightin> nope
<GamerDaPro> okay. awesome.
<GamerDaPro> thanks

*** Nightin sets mode +v VIPBot
<&Nightin> he still cant kick btw
<GamerDaPro> umm, fuck?
<GamerDaPro> yeah.
*** Shook kicked GamerDaPro from the channel: Bad word detected. (*FUCK*) :: [Tue Mar 8 20:40:09 2011] - Banned 0 minutes ·122
*** #ormo No external channel messages (#ormo)