Weekend Bash
Original Post
[Piratez] Suggestions and Questions
Any question or maybe something that can help us being better? Please, say it.
Last edited by GrayveXP; Jan 7, 2011 at 02:49 PM.

clan shop, and a clan tourney to boost activity and to help me build a war strategy
Im a squirrel and I'm so awesome that my friend bought me Toriprime.
Clan Shop:
Cool idea. We tryed before. Kinda worked, but that was when the shop never restocked. Now, I think that even to Toribashers that work with Items is gonna be hard. So, in my mind, is a waste of time.

Clan Tourney:
Yeah. It was on my list. You're the warchief though, so, if you want to plan it, I would appreciate. If no, I can do it. No problem.

Originally Posted by Squirre1 View Post
clan shop, and a clan tourney to boost activity and to help me build a war strategy

Way to go Rift.

I don't know if Reekondub still run the clan shop or not.

Clan tourney? Most of us are getting bored of the game..... Including me.
EDIT: I suggest text based games on forum, but i'm afraid this may increase spams.
So, quiz games anyone?
Last edited by Sicks; Jan 9, 2011 at 05:16 PM.
We should make an event.
Probably replay making or art one.
Or many events. Like: make our clan video, clan picture, etc.