Weekend Bash
I will fuck all of you. Line up.

EDIT: Xpad, I need a new set. Please make me one.. :<
Not giving a fuck about hurricanes is pretty badass - Fee

Well, this will destroy the chances of my request in the art thread.

Also, xpad please tell me that you weren't lying way back when about being a chick. And hygen, you never even said which you are so..... I'm now highly disturbed, and more disturbed yet that Bryan's going along with it.
However, it has rails that the train falls onto, in the case of a derailment.

1. 3Gs iphone cameras suck, this is heavily recolored in photoshop.
2. Just got a haircut
3. holy fuck, my neck is long.

Also, new/old avvy.
Originally Posted by Mookiefish View Post
Xpad, I need a new set. Please make me one.. :<

Pm me again, ok? With details, details, details.
Originally Posted by Yourface View Post
Well, this will destroy the chances of my request in the art thread.

This won't.

Originally Posted by Yourface View Post
Also, xpad please tell me that you weren't lying way back when about being a chick.

Wasn't a lie, sorry.


Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
Your name is Inigo Monta something?
Inigo Montana!!


As Brian said, you really looks like as a "basketball player"
However, I'm a wrestler because I can't make a basket for the life of me. Also, 5' 11" as a sophomore.

Inigo Montoya.....

"Hello my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die." That's the rest of the shirt, which is a quote from "Princess Brides", btw it's not a chick flick, it's a very manly movie.