Weekend Bash
Nice Kami :P

These are nothing special, but meh....i saved them anyway :B
Attached Files
aspolde.rpl (32.9 KB, 131 views)
teacup.rpl (65.0 KB, 111 views)
dancekick.rpl (63.6 KB, 136 views)
Epic replys Od, I lol at "nothing special"

mah turn
oh and replay with Psyt is old, when wushu was glitched.. thats why its dm'ing so easy
Attached Files
noes.rpl (38.4 KB, 126 views)
this is how mah moves work.rpl (33.1 KB, 160 views)
ownage-old glitchy wushu.rpl (27.6 KB, 147 views)
i dont recall that "no easy way" replay

but nice work kamiko
really nice replays guys. Those 3 here are from today, but just one of those is wushu. I think i would'Ve get the decap at the wushureplay, but for that i would've need one turn more :/
Attached Files
sometkaction.rpl (76.9 KB, 104 views)
moretkaction.rpl (80.0 KB, 91 views)
reallynicewushucomeback.rpl (68.3 KB, 112 views)
It has to start somewhere. It has to start somehow. What better place than here. What better time than now

wah-wah chicka wah-wah chicka-chicka-chicka