Weekend Bash
Original Post
Clan League 2016

This time of the year has come again. We should participate again and struggle gathering members. Getting enough members to participate has always been hard but hopefully in the end we will have fun together.

I probably will only participate in the first round and then I'm going to England to work so I won't be able to join. After my departure I'll put someone in charge of getting in touch with everyone and deciding on a certain time.

Post in this thread if you are willing to participate and tell your GMT and times when you are able to play. I'll add all the info in this post so it would be easier to organize.


Uberis: GMT +2, Monday to Friday Starting from 22:00 (I can take a day off if needed), Weekends are usually free

azzeffir: GMT +2, anytime

Sicks: GMT +7 everyday from 15:00 to 01:00

hunter: GMT +2
Last edited by Uberis; Jun 15, 2016 at 01:50 AM.
I am here to help! So far my CL experience wasn't nice so i want something to be proud of . GMT +2 i am able to play any time.
GMT +7, everyday from 15:00 to 01:00, so it's around 08:00 to 17:00 if its GMT+0.
I'll help calculate the average GMT once everyone post theirs.

I might not be able to come at 25th and 26th this month, reunion party with old friends.
GMT +2

I can't play in these next 6 to 8 days. I'm currently in the cabin we rented for a week. I don't have a laptop so i can't play. I'm currently on my ipad.
"raawr says the dinosaur right?"
Yeah, it won't start that early, the registration is still open until 22 this month.
I can't get hold of Axel on Steam.

I also won't be available at 25 and 26, going camping with my friends.
On it, but we need at least 5 members and no one outside of the roster can compete.
Can you guys here ask out the others to see when they are available? I need the average GMT, if not I would just list the whole clan and stick it to GMT +2.
Dog and perica are around +2. I guess we can always switch up the times. Just include all of the roster. Everyone did the same. Or at least people who aren't in the inactive section.

XPaD, perica, dog and Axel would probably join if I messaged them on fb. Perhaps we could even get rappunk as I have his skype.
Ok then, I just turned the app, everyone who isn't in inactive list are included.

Same rules, same condition as last year Clan League. Though unlike before, we only have 1 week for the war between clans, so it would be great if we could have specific time where you guys could hop in-game to keep match splitting to minimum.
Ima keep an eye on the main thread, if there is anything important I'll post it here.