Weekend Bash
Original Post
It is time
Well guys, I won't write a long one and keep it short. I've been too busy with real life stuff that I only catch up several times a week with the posts here. I've decided it's for the best to leave and hand the leadership to someone else. I think we all agree that we should give it to Sicks. Hopefully we can put in charge the more active members and Piratez will be back in its former glory. I guess this is it. It was fun starting as a deckhand and moving to more responsibilities. Sadly I started being inactive after becoming the captain so I hope you guys don't consider me as a letdown. It was a really fun run and I won't forget Toribash and all this time I spent in Piratez. I guess you can still hit me up on fb or discord. Maybe we'll decide to meet one day, who knows. All I want to say is thank you guys! I'll cherish our bonds and the time spent on this ship. Godspeed.


Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
Well guys, I won't write a long one and keep it short. I've been too busy with real life stuff that I only catch up several times a week with the posts here. I've decided it's for the best to leave and hand the leadership to someone else. I think we all agree that we should give it to Sicks. Hopefully we can put in charge the more active members and Piratez will be back in its former glory. I guess this is it. It was fun starting as a deckhand and moving to more responsibilities. Sadly I started being inactive after becoming the captain so I hope you guys don't consider me as a letdown. It was a really fun run and I won't forget Toribash and all this time I spent in Piratez. I guess you can still hit me up on fb or discord. Maybe we'll decide to meet one day, who knows. All I want to say is thank you guys! I'll cherish our bonds and the time spent on this ship. Godspeed.


Hey Uberis! I get entirely where you're coming from. Life takes over, definitely. It's the primary reason I couldn't keep Essence going. All the same, I agree with your decision. You're always welcome here, of course, but yeah, no need to feel too much pressure with the clan. I'll do what I can to help keep us active around here. I wish you the best!
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
It's ok Uby, real life stuff should be the main thing we are focusing on, wish you all the best with life man, and don't forget you're always welcome here.
It's been great serving you cap'n.

I'm going to get in-game for 1-2 hours every Friday and Saturday anytime I'm available, looking for potential new bloods.
April fools

I'm surprised no one saw the white letters coming. I should be kicked out for the bad joke honestly. Should have said that I was moving to Iran or something and won't be able to post anymore.

Lol I don't think I'll ever leave. Even if I step down as a leader I'd still lurk around. I still read all the posts, but post much less as I'm busy. Well I'm still up for stepping down if anyone is interested in leading the clan.
Nope, I noticed, thus the not overly serious tone of my reply and I didn't change the position in clan page. :P

The part where I'm going in-game is real though.
Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
April fools

I'm surprised no one saw the white letters coming. I should be kicked out for the bad joke honestly. Should have said that I was moving to Iran or something and won't be able to post anymore.

Lol I don't think I'll ever leave. Even if I step down as a leader I'd still lurk around. I still read all the posts, but post much less as I'm busy. Well I'm still up for stepping down if anyone is interested in leading the clan.

The real joke is that you've already been voted out, Uby. Sorry. Sicks is the leader now.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Lol classic. I figured most wouldn't be surprised if it went either way. I actually wanted Sicks to be the leader a long time ago. There was an election when I just joined and it was between Teapawt and Sicks. Pawt won at the time and I didn't understand why, lol.