Yeah! We got that bomb thread! My girl just got another ear piercing. Will be into these events coming up! Just make sure I hear about them before hand so I know when they are! Been heading out to bars and such lately due to some life problems. Don't worry i'll be on no matter what i'm drinking. Either way i'm glad that you guys have let me join this dope clan.
Jenson's post
We talked about it, and we thought that you could have take it as anger or something like that. But nothing further from reality. Jenson just wanted to make sure that you understand we need high quality posts (which means being, not extremely formal, but at least serious when posting) until we get a safe position in toribash clans.
Clear message: Keep that beautiful activity we had until a day ago. But make an effort writing interesting/on-topic posts. The solution is not saying "Okay, if you don't like my posts, then I won't do it anymore". It would be more like "Okay, If we want to get motha fukin official, then I must help".
Until now we all are doing great, and, as leaders, we recognize responsibility for mistakes made.
irl tasks are annoying us atm, but we will find some time to plan and develop some ideas of internal tourneys, external tourneys (forum and in-game), tutorial compilations, a clan video, and so on.
<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 <3<3 LONG LIFE MM <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Yeah, about that.
I'm sorry for my earlier post, i know it was considered as spam and i'll try to not post that kind of chatter here and actually chat on the Discord server to get to know you guys better <3
And because i didn't had a proper introduction. My name is Artha, my previous account was Manitoda and some of you may already know me for my previous account. I've been playing this game since January 2016 and this was actually my first account.
And about clan videos. I am also replaymaker with the account Zibril and Manitoda, i'm a decent ukebasher imo. And i would love to use my replays for the upcoming clan video. (if we are gonna make one anyways, i don't mind)
I'm really hoping this clan can get back to its previous state, and i hope i can be apart of that journey.
Toribash Yesterday
I pray today wasn't as horrible as yesterday I tried to go eat or drink some red bull but still after all attempts i was playin wayy below my normal standards. I even went to bet servers where I normally warmup and stop playing like a 2 year old with broken mouse but it didn't work i Lost 250k yesterday D: :sad_blue: I wish i stop having these inconsistent days so I will not go to bet servers for now and Just warMaybe warring will unrust me and bring the Pro in me
Some good news and bad news :black_thonk: , I was actually really good at csgo when i was 12 -13 but my Pc broke and I have had to use my Dads pc which is as potato as it gets , since a few years I have taken Commitment into Critical Ops its a mobile CSGO and my knowledge on CSGO has done me justice on C-OPS since joining their Community I have made it into small tournies but I plan on Going ESports since I am actually really good at this game, Recently I joined a more Active clan on this game and They Are pretty nice like [MM] ( we are totally getting official ) but are more of a competitive clan so They have just entered for a 200$ Tournemant and So I have been picked for Main Team each member gets 40$ So I plan on Cashing 25 or 20$ on Toribash and keeping rest if i win. So.. I will be Training on C-Ops nearly everyday and all the time however I am aware we have CL comming soon so i Will Use 2 hours or 1hour in the next few days or weeks to Play and Train on Toribash however If you need me at a specific time just @ me on discord I have enabled them so any clan I am im can talk to me and If we have a match please tell me specific time too so we can all train as a team together. Wish me Luck!!
So, i did alot of shit today.
Started off me trying to take back my top 5 rank in the morning, right before i made that post right up there and jesus, is it stressful a fuck. Have been playing non-stop until now and it just keeps going up and down. My win ratio which was 65% went to 62% and it was all because i met N3WB and Candy, two friends of mine which were really good. We had loads of push and pull moments, but in the end. I went up one rank, but i am still on right now, still pushing my ELO. And without those two. I think i can finally take back my place.
Heres one of my most WTF matches in lenshu. Poor dude got destroyed.
There is so much to catch up on whenever I get back to this thread xD
I like how active we are and i'm glad i'm fitting in good enough. I am also glad that all of our players are great at the game and not rude and such to people. I will be partying all weekend probably but if I end up last to sleep as always i'll try to get some games in and maybe a couple right now before they get here. Either way i'll be on, no worries lol